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I flinched as bullets flew past my ear. This trap worker named Daniel got mad and started bussing. He felt some type of way because him and Jayceon were cool and I guess Jayceon put him on.

Still he ain't got shit to do with this.
Everyone else stayed out of it but this crazy nigga den lost his rabbit Ass mind. Daniel was chasing after me shooting and Playa had my back so he chasing after Daniel shooting.

The streets were pretty dark at this time it was now about 2 am. My heart was racing as I ran past houses and zigzag through park cars avoiding bullets. I was beginning to lose my breath so I slid behind a car, ducked down, pulled my gun out and let the bitch off.

A bullet hit Daniels shoulder and he got behind a car shooting back.

Quickly I hop a fence, when I hit the ground I can feel my legs and feet stinging "FUCK!." I let out a gasp picking my self off someone's lawn. Their house light comes on and I take off again. I hear several gun shots going off behind me and I know it has to be between Playa and Daniel.

I was running when I seen a broken down van with tinted windows. I could tell it was broken down because the wheels were on flat and there was no steering wheel.

The sliding door was wide open so I jumped in and closed the sliding door quietly. I stayed real silent and ducked down looking through the tinted windows.

The nigga ran right past me. A few moments later I saw playa creeping up the street with his gun out so I call to bro and he knows it's me so he whistles back twice.

I jump out the van and we dap. We both put our guns away and start to run out the area. Distant police sirens were coming from everywhere. We cut corners and ducked when police cars might have drove past.

"Bruh this area hot ass fuck! We gotta get outa here" playa whispered to me.

" You right" I nodded and scanned the street. "The black car ... no alarm" I gestured across the street.



"Iight, thanks man" me and playa shook hands and he snapped "you already know nigga. You my brother dawg" he jumped out the stolen car and went inside his house. I swerved out.

My phone vibrated it was a call from an unknown number.

" yo who dis? " I spoke quickly. I was now switching into a different car. I set the other stolen one on fire as the person on the line continued "Yes, this is California Hospital. Two women named Kaibee coleman and Katherine Jones were in a bad car accident you were the last person Kaibee coleman called so we called you." a women spoke through the phone.

"I'm on my way"

             Kaibee coleman

Mi Sat ah the edge of the bed holding Ms. Jones hand as she rested. After killa pulled off from the police station mi and Ms. Jones were headed to her house suddenly ah big truck ran a red light running into us. All I remember is our car flipping over. The truck kept going. I was able to crawl out the passenger seat window and drag Katherine out to a side walk.

I didn't get hurt bad in the accident but I have several scratches on my neck, arms not to mention the head ache. Other than that I'm totally okay. The nurses were very friendly and cleaned me up.

Ms. Jones dislocated her arm. It was numbed then popped back into place by two doctors. She will need a cast and medication for the pain.

"Gosh where is killa? " I looked down at my watch. I lost my phone in the accident.

Kaibee The Homeless Girl Where stories live. Discover now