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I sat down at my kitchen table.

I can't breath, I can't breath.

What am I going to do?!

¡Como se atreve! Después de todo lo que he pasado. ¡Si piensa que lo necesito bien está mal!
( How dare he! After everything I've been through. If he thinks I need him well he's wrong!)

My head began to spin. For a moment this didn't feel real. I can't go back to sleeping inside the tube slide at the park. Jayceon and killa saved me and now he's just throwing me out because I rejected him. This isn't right.

I pray to God that my life doesn't go down hill; I'm doing so good right now.
I quickly gathered my thoughts together. I can't let what I just found out ruin my day at work. I look down at my watch I no longer have time to eat breakfast so I'll just slide three granola bars into my purse.

The bus to work was quite. It usually is because it's still early in the morning. Thank God it's Friday, I don't think I would survive. Spring break is two weeks so I'm happy about that. But what am I going to live now. I have about five hundred dollars saved up but that's not enough to  get a new apartment! I stand to my feet and press the bottom to let the bus driver know my stop is next.

"Stop requested, please use rear exit"

I made it into the class room right before Ms. Jones was about to close her door.

"I'm sorry I'm late, I'm not having a good day" I say giving Ms, Jones a hug. She reminds me of my mother in a way not from looks but from the nice, loving attitude she walks around with.

"oh it's okay gal " she gives me a tight hug. I walk to my desk in the back of the class and take a seat. The students are a little more louder than usual. It's Friday and there projects are due. I put my face into my hands thinking and trying to put little pieces of my life back together.

"Ms. Kaibee" someone is tapping on my shoulder. Oh it's the little Bwoy who called me cute. Si the one who always ask me do I need help.

"Hola Davion" I give him a small pathetic smile. It's the best I can do right now. I'm just not in the mood to be happy.

"Umm yes today is Friday and I know that you offer torturing and help with homework" him has ah grin pon his face ( he has a grin on his face). It is true that mi and Ms. Jones offer tutoring on Fridays , but Davion has good grades. Someting just doesn't feel right.

"Pero tienes A's y B's. Entonces, ¿cuál es la tutoría Para?"

"I don't know nothing you just said" Davion laughs. I'm really not in the mood to be helping anyone with work today. Wish someone would have helped me when I was in high school. But maybe it's my fault for not telling anyone my living situation. You would think the teachers would notice I wear the same clothes over and over. And my smell was overwhelming.

"you get good grades, So why tutoring?" I asked.

"not on the last assignment for this class, it shouldn't take us that long to get it done. I just want you to break it down" davion basically was begging now. "Pleassssse Ms. Kaibee" he locked his fingers together and gave me puppy dog eyes.

"Alright fine, just stay after class and we can get the assignment done quickly" I sighed and leaned back in my chair. He smiled and walked back over to his group.

"Okay classroom settle down!" Ms. Jones yelled. But the class didn't listen they continued to laugh and Sprinkle glitter and glue on there projects. If the project is about the digestive system why do they need glitter? I asked myself. The thought of a sparkly small intestine made me do a little giggle to myself.

"I SAID QUITE DOWN!" Ms. Jones didn't hold anything back when she yelled this time. All the students ran to there assigned seats quickly. "Thank you!" she said sweetly "Group one your up" a few students went to the front of the class room with their project. And so for the rest of the day the student gave facts and interesting things about the stomach.

I found myself zoning out during the whole day, all I could think about was if Jayceon had gone to the apartment and put my stuff on the sidewalks.

So many crazy scenarios were running through my head and I couldn't help it. He was being petty and he knew it.

Kaibee The Homeless Girl Where stories live. Discover now