15 | beautiful

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"Chan you're still here?" Sehun wandered into the small studio, eyeing the clock that was plastered onto the wall, "It's half past eight, is everything alright?"

Without looking up, Chanyeol murmured, "Everything's fine, why are you here? Isn't it past your bedtime?"

Sehun rolled his eyes in response, too tired to snap a remark back at his best friend, and with that he flopped onto the couch where the stuffed Chopper seemed to stare down at him. Gulping soundlessly he averted his gaze and focused on Chanyeol's fingers as they worked their magical way in creating music. His guitar stood by him, leaning against the table's edge with fresh strings glistening through the dimly-lit room.

"So how's it going?" the younger boy asked, his tone curious as it echoed softly.

Chanyeol sighed tiredly but a smile draped over his lips, his glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose as he turned around to face the other boy, "It's basically finished; I've managed to finish the lyrics, and all I have left is Baek to sing it and then-" his hands imitated an explosion of glitter dust.

"You guys are seriously getting along?" Sehun simply gawked, his face cupped by his hands as his elbows pushed against his knees.

"I guess.." Chanyeol spun circles on his swivel chair, his mind pondering over the last week. "He was sick the other day," his lips were tied in a bow as he recalled with a faint chuckle, "And so I went over to his place and we watched movies-"

"You- hold up-"

"-and then we accidentally fell asleep so I ended up staying and-"

But Chanyeol stopped his arising explanation as his eyes fell upon the tall boy who's jaw was cracked open with shock. Chanyeol laughed at his reaction while Sehun couldn't regain his composure to a sane state. "What the hell even happened? Your relationship with that guy escalated faster than my apartment elevator. How- what? So is he actually going to work with you-?"

"No, he didn't agree yet," Chanyeol's smile disappeared into a thin line of hesitation, "I just thought that if I get on his good side and if we write a song together it'd be like a preview for him? So that he'd know what he would sign up for? I don't know, I just really enjoy his company.."

"Speaking of company," Sehun interrupted him, his hand reaching for his jacket pocket as his fingers slipped out two printed tickets. "Got these in the mail this morning, they're tickets for the annual Music-Star Festival which I know you absolutely adore," he chuckled at Chanyeol's disappointed pout, "But anyways, they sent us two, for me and you, but I won't be able to come-"

"What?" Chanyeol's voice urged in alarm, "I'm not fucking going there by myself- oh no no. Last year you were there at least to hold me back from all those fancy-ass producers that breathe money, but if you won't be there? I'll flip! Sehun please don't make me go there alone-"

"-goddamit let me finish first!" Sehun sighed, "Before coming here I was thinking of ways to get you out of it, although we'd be seriously losing a great advertising opportunity for our label by neither of us showing up. But now I've come up with a different solution; how about you invite your Baekhyun guy?"

"Baek? But he's not technically in the company-"

"So what? Do your stage performance with him, give him another taster and then that night ask him officially," Sehun proposed strategically.

Chanyeol's head fluttered with ideas; after all, Music-Star Festival sent out limited invitations to arising music labels. The whole show would be presented on live television and at least one mandatory performance was required from each arriving guest. In previous two years; Chanyeol staged Junmyeon's and Kyungsoo's performances, and they were rather successful. While on the contrary, Sehun organised his dance crew for a little inter-break between artists, that way - they were able to promote their company through both singing and dancing.

But now, the thought of forcing Baekhyun onto that stage- it bothered Chanyeol.

"Well I guess I have no other choice," the older boy huffed, running a hand through his hair, "I'll call Baek when I can and see what he thinks of it. If he denies the offer then I'm out too; I won't be bothered to go by myself."

"That's fair enough," Sehun nodded in understanding, placing the tickets onto Chanyeol's desk, "Now don't forget about it," he warned him with a laugh as he got up to leave.

"Hold up," Chanyeol stopped the younger boy that was about to close the door behind him with a wave, "You never told me why you can't come to the festival."

"Oh," Sehun faltered, "Me and Jongin will be going around clubs to recruit new members for a senior crew. We planned it a while ago but then I got the news about the show earlier today and it happened to be on the same day- so I thought best that it'd be better if I didn't cancel my original plans. And you see, that worked out great because now you can go and show off Baekhyun."

"Well that's if he agrees," Chanyeol mumbled, "But anyways, I hope you have fun; pass a hi from me to Jongin."

"Sure will - don't stay up too late working Chan, byee," the younger boy waved as he left and rolled out his goodbye.

Chanyeol shook his head with a smirk as he turned back around on his swivel chair. His fingers sliding over to the computer mouse as he swiped it against the screen to save the project he'd been working on all day.

| Save New Project as: One&Only by ChanBaek |
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With a smile he no longer controlled; Chanyeol snapped the save option and shut off the heating computer. And with that, the screen turned a bright blue colour before fading into a black curtain, followed by this he shuffled all loose pages into a messy bundle and let them rest peacefully on top of his other paper projects.

A heavy sigh escalated his lips as he got up, but as he switched off the studio lights to announce the end of his day's full of work; he found himself beaming with happiness.

written: april 14/15, 2017
니카 :3

uploaded: may 20, 2017

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