13 | plz don't be sad

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About half way through their chosen movie (School of Rock as eagerly suggested by Chanyeol) - Baekhyun found himself droning off, his stomach full of food and his mind resting. Occasionally he'd slumber awake into a series of coughs, but Chanyeol was there to wrap him back into his colourful blankets and pass him a glass of water to sustain his dry throat.

Sometime afterwards, as Baekhyun dozed off, he managed to slumber onto Chanyeol's lap - restraining the younger from leaving as he continued to snore lightly under his running nose. To this; Chanyeol chuckled softly, letting his fingers play with sleeping boy's messy curls. And in response - he'd only received a series of muffled murmurs which made Chanyeol's smile grow into sheepish grin.

And as the credits rolled - and the screen faded to black, Chanyeol didn't dare to stir. Instead, he sat silently with one hand by Baekhyun's ear, while the other scrolled through endless instagram feeds and twitter posts.

'17:03' was plastered in little grey by the top corner when Chanyeol found himself slowly stuttering asleep into an unplanned nap. His eyes fluttered shut and a yawn escaped his lips. With a slacking pace, his head dropped and with his conscience; his phone fell too.

"HEY!" Baekhyun yelped as he shot up, shattering the serene moment as the phone indented his temple and started swelling a bruise.

"Uh," Chanyeol only grumbled in return, "Did you see my phone?"

Upon rubbing his eyes awake; Baekhyun faced the boy and was about to rage out but instead he only exclaimed loudly at their closeness. His cheeks immediately flushed bright pink, and his eyes no longer drooled with sleep. Although still swollen from the cold - he didn't feel as sick. In contrary, his head wasn't spinning as much and his forehead was no longer sweating.

"How are you feeling?" Chanyeol seemed unaffected even though their noses were almost touching, while Baekhyun gulped soundly before stuttering, "I'm al-alright."

Chanyeol frowned a little and raised his hand to touch the older boy's face, "You're still quite warm-"

Unaware; Baekhyun held his breath as Chanyeol's hand continued to laze and caress his cheek, the coldness of his fingers sent shivers down his spine. "I'm- um-" he looked for an excuse to tear apart from the taller boy's eye gaze, "I need to go to the bathroom." And with that, he leaped out from Chanyeol's grasp and tried to balance himself once landing on his feet.

But his nauseousness returned momentarily and the boy found himself toppling over until a pair of hands grabbed hold of him and pulled him back onto the sofa. "Careful there, princess," Chanyeol ushered as Baekhyun collapsed onto his lap.

"Princess?" he echoed with a laugh.

"Uh," Chanyeol blushed, awkward, "It slipped-"

"Bitch please, I'm a queen," Baekhyun only rolled his eyes.

At that, Chanyeol stared for a solid minute before erupting into a contagious laugh, his hands wrapping around Baekhyun's waist as they both drowned in laughing hysterics. Baekhyun's head crawled into the crook of Chanyeol's neck from embarrassment and after a long comfortable while; their actions faded into faltering giggles before stopping completely.

Once realising at how close they were once again; Baekhyun continued to glow in red, this time Chanyeol accompanying him as his eyes slipped to glance at the older boy's lips.

"I erm- still need to use that bathroom-"

"Oh, yeah, sure, of course, alright, great-" Chanyeol burst into a stammering mess as he steadied Baekhyun while the boy got up, this time without any serious complications. "I'll make you some more tea-"

Baekhyun stared in horror at his own reflection, red nose and burning cheeks, chapped lips and bloated eyes. He groaned and tried washing away the fatigue out of his face, and without succession he sighed and tiredly ran his hand through his hair.

Spending his day off napping (in Chanyeol's embrace) and coughing endlessly was not how he'd planned to spend the day, in reality; he needed to go grocery shopping and clean his apartment in whole, but that never worked out.

So instead, he decided to do whatever it took him to recover as fast as possible so that he'd at least spend the next day smartly off work. After all, following from tomorrow, he'd have a hard week scheduled ahead, curse Valentine's Day for that.

Two hands placed sturdily on the bathroom's sink, Baekhyun eyed himself - recent moments that occurred previously crawled into his mind as he visibly blushed.

"Aish.." he mumbled, his head dropping in defeat while an unconscious smile draped over his lips.

Chanyeol filled the kettle and waited for the water to boil, with that; he rested his elbows onto the counter surface and let himself blush madly in red colours. He tried to act unaffected by Baekhyun's closeness but in honesty - it was driving him insane. And in truth, he wasn't regretting the day at all. After all, he spent it by taking care of the older boy.

With that, the kettle buzzed off and Chanyeol reached for another mug although his mind was distracted. Without much realisation, his hand slipped and with it; the mug smashed onto the tiled floor and shattered to pieces. "Shit-" he whispered before kneeling down to pick up the ceramic glass.

Not long afterwards, Baekhyun ran into the kitchen, fear plastering his expression as the sight of the taller boy unraveled before his eyes. Chanyeol lifted his gaze in shame, "I'm so sorry- I didn't mean to-"

"What are you talking about? The mug? Oh for fuck's sake Chanyeol, are you alright?"

"Me?" he stared dumbfounded as Baekhyun approached him carefully, "Yes you," he mumbled, "I'm the one who's sick, you should be taking care of me, but look at this, your hand's bleeding-"

The heat of Baekhyun's fingers against Chanyeol's blood-covered skin once more felt like fire against snow; but he didn't mind it. Instead, he let the older boy bandage the cut on the base of his palm and with that - Baekhyun cleaned the kitchen in silence while Chanyeol prepared his promised cup of tea.

"So how about a round two?" Baekhyun suggested once slumping onto the sofa and taking hold of the television remote.

"Only if you promise not to fall asleep during the first half," Chanyeol chuckled as he let himself sink deeper into the sofa.

"Great, that means I can fall asleep once we reach halfway, sounds good, let's go then," the older boy chirped in response while a smile spread on Chanyeol's lips. And with that, Baekhyun rested his head on the taller boy's shoulder, and in return; Chanyeol pulled him closer. And neither pulled aback.

written: april 12, 2017
니카 :3

uploaded: may 15, 2017

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