05 | out of my mind

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"Did you just call me 'bacon guy'?" Baekhyun glared, still motioning at the taller boy who stood before him.

"Yeah, do you have a problem with that?" Chanyeol absentmindedly snapped back.

Baekhyun opened and closed his mouth, unable to comprehend the rudeness once again while Minseok positioned himself comfortably behind the counter with his elbows leaning onto the hard surface; his face cupped between his own hands as he chuckled at the boys, "You guys know each other?"

"He's the guy that I told you and Jongdae about!" Baekhyun threw a glance at Minseok before returning his death stare back at Chanyeol.

"Oh that guy who ran into you and then proceeded to blame you during that audition?" Minseok laughed, running his eyes between both the boys as he received a nod from Baekhyun, "Well you most definitely forgot to mention that he's fine a-f," Minseok laughed with a devilish smirk.

"Why thank you," Chanyeol chuckled as Baekhyun's eyes reflected betrayal, "And you punk-!" Chanyeol averted his eyes back at the shorter boy, "-why are you going around telling people lies? It was you who ran into me."

"No it wasn't. I was minding my own business when suddenly you appear out of no where and start to-" but Baekhyun's rant was cut off as a someone's phone rang loudly through the store.

Dumb dumb, dumb dumb dumb dumb-

Chanyeol was greeted with two pairs of eyes judging him as he swiped the phone open and answered the call, "What do you want child?"

"I'm not even two years younger than you!" Sehun erupted on the other side, causing Chanyeol to bring the phone away from his ear until the younger calmed down, "Anyways I came up with a plan; so I'll arrange for you and Baekhyun to meet up and-"

"It's fine, the bacon guy is standing in front of me right now throwing a tantrum."

Sehun's reaction was a shriek of 'what?!' while Baekhyun pointed at himself and half-whispered, "I'm the one who's throwing tantrums?"

Chanyeol ignored the older boy and continued to give Sehun heart attacks over the phone, "Anyways I'll talk to you later; my phone's dying," he muted him completely as his best friend tried not to curse out loud for cutting him off, "Byeee," Chanyeol rolled out the word and ended the call, facing the same two pairs of eyes.

Baekhyun's stare was raging, fuming with anger; while Miseok found the situation rather amusing, his expression balancing his smile and his other light features.

"What was that even about?" Baekhyun asked straightforwardly, trying to keep his voice within volume range as Minseok continued to enjoy the display before him; for once grateful that there's no customers to take care of.

Chanyeol sighed, "My best friend Sehun keeps insisting that I should apologise to you for what I said and did during the day that I held those auditions but-"

"I'd rather get back with my ex than forgive your arrogant ass."

Minseok whistled at that, "Oh boy - hell nah, that's bullshit you're talking, and besides I'd rather forget that bitch even existed, can we not bring her up again?"

Baekhyun rolled his eyes and hopped onto the counter to sit as for his feet were hurting from so much standing, "My point is that I will not accept your apology-"

"Yeah obviously because I never even offered one," Chanyeol leant back as Baekhyun restrained himself from murdering the boy alive.

What stopped him was a familiar ringing of the small bell above the store's doorway as a stranger walked, "Well that's my cue, please don't kill each other in front my customers," Minseok warned them before plastering a smile and greeting the elder man, "Welcome to Minseok's Bao Zi Music Store, how can I help you?"

"Anyways I better go if Minseok is busy," Baekhyun mumbled as he jumped from the counter top, but suddenly a hand wrapped around his wrist; preventing him from escaping.

"Hold on," Chanyeol stopped him, unaware of the discomfort he was causing as Baekhyun's ears slowly turned red from such contact, "I still have to talk to you."

"Well I'm not in a mood for talking with someone like you if you won't even apologise-"

"That's because I still believe it was your fault!" Chanyeol let go of his wrist and flapped his arms instead, "Look bacon guy you've got to help me out-"

"For starters, stop calling me 'bacon guy' if you want me to even listen to you, and secondly, why the hell would I help you out?" Baekhyun reasoned, his fingers running ghostly circles around his wrist.

"Well from what I heard you're really good at singing, and you're looking for a music producer, so if you agree to work with me; it'll be a win-win situation for both of us," Chanyeol pointed out, his expression serious for once as his eyes focused on the boy in front of him.

"Why the hell would I want you to be my music producer when I have so many others to pick from?" Baekhyun laughed at him, "What makes you better than the rest?"

"Well not only am I good looking-" Chanyeol began but was cut off by Baekhyun as he rolled his eyes at that, muttering 'of course'.

"-but I also take music very seriously. It's all I ever wanted to do," he faltered a bit, "It's all I ever did in this life, and if I don't find someone to work with by the end of this month; then I'm gonna have to find another life to live."

Baekhyun was about to throw an aggressive comment back at the taller boy but suddenly his eyes met Chanyeol's sad ones and he doubted the words that wanted to escape his mouth.

"Oh just give the guy a chance!" Minseok called out from the other end of the store while trying not to drop the banjo that the elder man requested as he climbed down the ladder.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes once again, "Alright, fine! But you're gonna have to earn my trust and prove to me first that working with you won't be a mistake."

Chanyeol grinned happily, "Anything for you, bacon boy."

written: february 25, 2017
니카 :3

uploaded: april 17, 2017

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