Lovely Sins- Chapter 11

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Your POV

So Meliodas can't get close to me without me going nuts. I don't understand it, I want to be around him until he actually gets near. Then I start reacting differently then I want to. I feel so lonely. I mean, I have Elizabeth, and Ban, and King, not really Diane though, she doesn't like me too much. But I want to be around Meliodas. I just really want everything to go back to normal so that I can be happy again.

"Hey, (Y/n) I'm going down to the village, do you want to come along?" Elizabeth was standing in the doorway. I nodded

"Yeah, sure." I stood up. I was still sore from the whole Damien thing but I could walk. We left the Boar Hat and walked to the village. Later, I was looking through some heads of lettuce, trying to find a good one, when a boy walked up to me.

"You're pretty, so I think I'm going to talk to you." The boy said. I looked at him for a moment. Then smiled.

"What makes you think I want to talk to you?" I asked, teasing him. He smiled right back at me.

"Who wouldn't want to talk to me? I'm amazing!" He was kind of cute. But I was committed to Meliodas! I would not fall for this stranger.

"Look, I have to go..." I tried to step away but he stepped forward.

"Come on, is making a new friend so bad?" He ran a hand through his dark brown hair and grinned. What, was I supposed to do? I didn't want to be mean!

We got coffee and talked for a while. I found out that his name was Thomas, and he was an orphan. His dad died when he was 15 and his mom died during child birth. I noticed there was something familiar about the way he spoke, but I couldn't quite figure out what it was.

"I like hanging out with you (y/n), we should do it again sometime." His smile was so charming and friendly. I felt like I had known him my whole life. I smiled and nodded.

"Definitely. I had a lot of fun!" I smiled at him. All of a sudden he leaned in to kiss me. For a moment I tried to push him away but somehow his lips ended up against mine and we were kissing. At one point I felt I small pinch on my arm but I ignored it. All of a sudden he was pulled away from me, I opened my eyes and cringed away from a furious Meliodas. He was seething.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!" He screamed at Thomas. Thomas looked at him with wide eyes. In one swift movement Meliodas ripped something from Thomas's pocket.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" He asked angrily, waving a syringe in Thomas's face. I gasped and looked down at my arm. There was a small drop of blood where Thomas had apparently injected something into me. I should have been angry but I felt sort of numb and tired. I was kind of light headed and sort of dizzy. Soon my legs gave out on me and Meliodas caught me. I couldn't exactly think straight but something was confusing me.

"How are you getting so close to me?" I mumbled. Meliodas's face twisted into confusion.

"I... don't know." He answered.

Thomas began chuckling.

OMG I AM SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO SORRYYYYY!!!!! I didn't update for an outrageously long amount of time. Buuuuut I plan on updating again soon, maybe again today. And yeah I know that I probably will forget but at least I tried! It's the effort that counts! Also btw, if you have read this far and you still haven't followed then you need to follow me right now. I'm trying to build a solid base of readers so that when I publish my book that I'm writing (yes i'm writing a book) I'll have some people who want to buy it. PLEASSSSSE FOLLOW. Ok, see you in the next chapter my lovelies! :) <3

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