Lovely Sins- Chapter 6

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Your POV

I woke up in Meliodas's lap. I probably should have thrown myself off of him, but I didn't really want to. All of a sudden though I was forced to get up because I was about to vomit. EVERYWHERE. I limped as fast as I could outside and that shit shot out of me like a cannon. I wiped my mouth off and groaned.

"Ugh, how much did I drink last night?" I said to myself, not expecting an answer. But one came anyway.

"Way too much." I turned to see Meliodas standing in the door way of the tavern, smirking. "Do you remember what you did last night." he asked me, smugly. The only things I could remember were being attacked by Damien and crying for a little while. Then my memories were a little spotty. Meliodas laughed.

"I seem to remember you telling me how amazingly hot I was and trying to remove my clothes." He said.

I felt my jaw drop. "I DID NOT!" I screamed.

Meliodas yelled back. "YES YOU DID!!!!!"Elizabeth appeared behind him and glared at me.

"Yes. Yes you did." Oh crap, she was mad at me. Oh well, I thought. How bad could making Elizabeth angry be? She wasn't very strong and was too nice to do anything horrible.

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Meliodas's POV

(y/n), is cute even when she's barfing her guts out! I can't say the same for Elizabeth. One time I got her drunk (By putting stuff in her drink when she wasn't looking  mwahahahaha) and she got suuuuuuper hungover the next day. She was throwing up and crying and it was honestly kind of disgusting. (y/n) just puked and got over it.

A couple of weeks later (btw, your leg is better now.)

I was sitting with (y/n) outside the tavern when she leaned really close to me.

"Are you and Elizabeth... you know... together?" She asked me.

I laughed. "No, it's not like that. It's more of a grope and go sorta situation." She rolled her eyes at me.

"Hey look! a bug just crawled up your shorts! I'll get it!" My hand was sooooo close but she slapped me away. "Awwww no fair." I complained.

She karate chopped me on the head. "Bad boy." She said.

I pushed her down so she was laying on her back, and crawled on top of her. I grinned, "If you want I can be a real bad boy." her eyes were wide and I leaned closer to her. Our lips were about to touch when I was shoved away.

"You idiot!" Elizabeth screamed at me. "h-how could you?!" Her face was covered in tears. "I-I thought you..." She stopped in the middle of her sentence and turned to (y/n).

"And you." She took a step towards her

"You think you're good enough for him?! Your not! Your nothing! Your'e just a whore! You don't deserve Sir Meliodas!"

Your POV

Elizabeth raised her hand to strike me and I closed my eyes and braced myself. But nothing. She hadn't smacked me. I slowly opened my eyes, Meliodas had caught her hand in midair and was standing in front of me, his head down.

"I'm disappointed in you Elizabeth. We talked about this, we do not have a relationship like that. If I ever see you even try to put your hands on my girlfriend I will make you leave my tavern. And you won't be coming back." Elizabeth looked at him with anger in her eyes at first but then she burst into tears and ran off.

Wait... did he say girlfriend?! I barely had time to think about this because Meliodas was back on me and his lips were pressed against mine. Everything about him was intoxicating, his touch, his smell, the way he moved. I forgot about everything that had just happened and was lost in him.

I think I'm in love

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