Lovely Sins- Chapter 16

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Lol so I don't actually remember how to write these properly so if ya'll have any thoughts tell me. Also share this with ur buds who like Seven Deadly Sins. I was thinking maybe I could right a reader x ban? or reader x king? If literally ANYBODY wants that, I mean just one person, I'll do it.

(y/n)'s perspective

I wanted to know what that guy wanted me to steal. Of course I wasn't going to do it, but I just wanted to know out of curiosity. I decided I'd ask around town. I didn't have any informants like that man did, but I knew how to get my information. After my shift at the tavern I took a seat at a table full of the sketchiest guys there.

"Hey there boys." I said, smiling.

They all froze mid-drink. I leaned in and smiled wider.

"I'm looking for some information, do any of you think you could help me?" I was trying hard to be seductive, and I wasn't doing so well. At least I didn't think so. The men seemed to think otherwise. They obviously hadn't had a woman speak to them voluntarily in a while. One of them had enough courage to speak.

"Well, that depends on what kind of information you're looking for." The man who spoke looked the cleanest. He was wearing a crisp white button up shirt and a long black tailored coat. He had shaggy black hair and his eyes were sunken in and had dark purple circles around them. Like I said, while he looked nice and spoke like a gentlemen, the others literally looked dirty. They were covered in black smudges and they smelled disgusting. I was glad that he was the one talking and not one of the more undesirable ones.

Oddly the look in his eyes made it seem like he knew me. but I'd never seen him before. I opened my mouth to answer but he spoke first.

"(y/n), don't ask about it here." He looked at me knowingly.

I sat open mouthed for a second.

"Um. What are you talking about." I asked him, shocked. One of the other men spoke up.

"Yeah what are you talking about?" He repeated, eyeing his table mate oddly.

"I'll tell you what you want to know, just not here." He stood up and grabbed my arm, pulling away from the table and out of the tavern.

"Hey! What the hell!" I yanked my arm out of his grasp. "Who are you?"

The man smacked my arm as if I had done something wrong.

"Shhhhhh." He shook his head. "You need to be quiet."

I glared and whispered angrily at him, "Who are you then? And how on earth do you know my name?"

He rolled his eyes.

"I don't tell people my name, but you can call me Reo."

"Okay, Reo. How do you know me?" He was being so cryptic, it was infuriating.

He huffed. "First you should calm down. And I just know things okay. I know a lot of things, and a lot of people. Don't get too full of yourself, I don't stalk you or anything. You aren't that interesting." He paused for a moment, thoughtful. "You have intriguing dreams however."

I stared at him incredulous.

"What!?" I exclaimed. Reo shushed me again, more angrily this time.

"I already told you that you need to calm down. I can't let you draw attention to me. If you aren't quiet I won't tell you what you want to know."

"What the hell are you talking about? How do you know what information I want?!" I wasn't whispering anymore, I was yelling instead.

"Shut up!" He was whisper yelling at me. His eyes seemed to shine with the more angry he became. Suddenly the distance between us was closed and I was shoved against the tavern wall. His face was an inch from mine

"I have told you to be quiet, enough times now for you to understand." he whispered in hushed anger. "I may have seemed mannerly in the tavern but do not doubt for one second that I will resort to violence. My location cannot be compromised and all you can manage to do is draw attention to me." I could feel his hot breath on my face.

I was afraid. Something in him had awoken changing him from a mysterious young man to an animal.

"Nod if you understand what I have just told you." He looked at me expectantly, and I nodded weakly.

"Good." He said stepping back, but still not giving me much room. I was thinking about running. He was obviously crazy and possibly violent. I had thought about it and I decided to do it. I ran, away from him, I didn't know where I was going, just far away. I didn't even look back to see if he was chasing after me. I ran until I was sure he was far behind.

"Now what." I said to no one but myself. I looked around and tried figuring out where I was. I was very lost.

"I can help you if you want."
I whipped around to see Reo standing behind me. I opened my mouth to shout but he slapped a hand over it before I could.
"I would suggest you refrain from being too noisy." He sighed. "I will tell you what is on that shipment. But you have to be calm."
I looked at him, wide eyed, and nodded.
Slowly he removed his hand from my mouth and looked at me.
I screamed and bolted, one moment I was running the next I was on the ground. Reo towered over me
"Shit. What the hell is wrong with you?!" Reo growled through clenched teeth. "I have given you simple instructions and you are incapable of following them!"
I tried to get up but Reo shoved me down, stepping on my chest.
"I want you to go home (y/n). And I will speak with you tomorrow. Hopefully you will have regained self control by then. And since you are obviously lost, " he pointed. "home is that way"

And with that he turned and was gone.

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