Lovely Sins-Chapter 13

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Meliodas's POV

I finally have (y/n) back. I've never needed someone the way I need her. I sometimes try to imagine living without her but that seems unbearable. I honestly don't think I deserve her. She's just so perfect, I feel like she's giving me more than I can give her. It seriously took all of my willpower not to hurt that Thomas guy. How dare he even look at my (y/n). But he did give her that antidote... He didn't have to kiss her though! (y/n) stirred next me. I noticed she was shivering and mumbling something. I wrapped my arms around her and buried my head in her neck. I couldn't make out what she was saying. Until she said it very clearly.

"Meliodas..." She mumbled. I smiled. She was dreaming of me. I put my mouth to her ear and whispered.

"(y/n), I've dreamed of you every night since I met you."

Your POV

I was so glad to be near Meliodas again. That morning I had woken up to him kissing my neck.

"Good morning." I said quietly. Meliodas twisted me toward him and smashed his mouth against mine. We sat up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and ran my hands through his hair. His body was warm against mine and we couldn't seem to get close enough to each other

"(y/n) he was saying in short breaths. "You have no idea how much I've missed this..."

I smiled. "I think I do."

We were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Damn, again?" Melidoas mumbled angrily.

He opened the door and glared at Elizabeth.

"What? We were busy."

Elizabeth whimpered. "Um, that guy is back and he's peeing on the tables again..." A tear rolled down her cheek. "He peed on me. Please help me."

Meliodas groaned, "ugh, can't anyone do anything without my help?" He turned to me. "Don't move, we will continue this when I get back."

I widened my eyes. "Not if you get peed on, that's nasty, I will not touch you if that guy pees on you."

Meliodas shrugged, "Well fine, but we'll continue eventually. " Meliodas grinned that grin I love so much and shut the door leaving me and Elizabeth alone.

"He really loves you doesn't he..." Elizabeth said quietly.

I smiled. "Yeah, he does.

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