11. Betrayed

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Lace's Pov~~

I reach out my hand to feel Decklen's warm skin, but I am met with cold sheets and I sit up fast. I hold the sheets up to cover myself as I look around the room for him.

His clothes on the floor are gone and I hear some noise down the hall outside my room, a small smile coming to my lips as I remember last night. Carefully I get out of bed and shower, then throw on a gold sparkled sun dress before walking out into the hall and walking towards the kitchen.

But I don't find Decklen there either.

Confused, I walk around the villa and as I am walking towards the back door; a man comes up behind me and covers my mouth with a piece of cloth. Struggling frantically, I elbow him in the face and he lets go holding his jaw. I run barefoot down the halls, more men coming out from different areas.

One reaches out and grabs my hair, I curse out in pain and fall to the ground where three of them try to get me under control; I struggle and fight but a cloth is placed over my mouth and nose again and the chemical on it makes the room blur into a deep black void.

After a while, I start to be able to hear again and I hear man talking in hushed whispers; opening my eyes slowly I see small dots of light through whatever is on my head, my legs sting and palms, my wrists bound together. The heavy sound of the vehicle we are in drowns out a lot of what the men are saying.

The vehicle slowly comes to a stop and the man next to me roughly grabs my arm, yanking me out of my seat and I stumble to get my footing as I hear a door open, then I'm sat down in a different seat.

My eyes burn are the bag is ripped off my head and the light of the small window fills the room.

"Here you go boss, she put up more of a fight than I thought she would." A mans voice says from my right.

I look around the room at the few faces and notice David, along with his right hand man, but I stop on one face that is too welcome and familiar. One that I have loved since we were young, one that I wanted to see more than anything a few minutes ago, but now... now I'm scared to know why I see him here.

"Decklen, I'll leave you here to let our guest know the whole story." David says, but my head is in a buzz. I don't know how to think or what to do.

The silence is so thick that you could torture any criminal and in a matter of minutes they would crack under the pressure.

"Decklen...." I look at him, the man who I love more than anything. The man who I'd let anyone have all that I've accomplished and worked for in life, if it meant I could have him forever.

All my emotions crawling back inside me though as I look at Decklen as he stands by the man who I thought was on my side this once, that we were calling an alliance.

"Is it true?" My voice breaks as the thought of Decklen betraying me becomes more real.

Decklen looks at me with a stone cold face, "Yes."

My heart erupts in pain as I think of all the years he has been the only thing I treasure, the only person I trusted fully and wanted to be next to me in all of this.

"For how long?" I ask, hoping that my thoughts are not the truth, that they are just my own crazy assumptions.

"Since the beginning." His words slice at my already raw heart and I can feel it bleeding out into my chest, drowning me.

I don't have the will to hold my head up, so I let it drop so that I don't have to look into his cold eyes and just have the last night be a distant memory. The way his strong arms held me up and held me close, the sweet words he said as he made me his, the way he declared his love for me over and over again as we become one craved into my bones.....all of that seems so far away.

"So all of those...I love you's...they were lies too?" I say more stating than asking realizing that I was just a pawn in his game. All of this was a game. Not once has this love and trust been real, from the very beginning it was all just a game to everyone here.

"Yes." His voice confirms how much of a game I was, I wasn't real or worth the trouble. Maybe if I would have just admitted I loved him sooner, it wouldn't hurt this much now.

A tear falls onto my hands as all of the truth hits me. I wasn't anything important to him, the way he held me last night as if I was his greatest treasure was just a game and I his oh so willing player.

"I guess I should have known." I say with bittersweet realization.

A low laugh leaves my throat, "At least you won't have to deal with me anymore." I look at him with a small smile, even though I can't even begin to explain how much this betrayal is killing me.

I was played more than I thought.

Because I truly, full heartily want him to find happiness.

I stare into his beautiful black eyes that could always sooth me and in a way they still do, but now I know why they soothed me; it was so that I couldn't figure out what was really behind them, but I welcomed it, every second of it.

Oh how I love this man. completely and fully I love him. That's why it only makes sense that he would betray me; I am Spietato, of course love doesn't exist for me.

"Have a nice life Lace." He says as he turn towards the door, my body feeling as though I am a ton of bricks sinking to the bottom for the ocean, my lips sealed shut so that the words to beg him for one last hug, one last kiss; even if its fake, just one last time of this pretend love of his would make all my fears of the next few minutes would be enough to make my last moments pleasant.

I watch as he disappears and the door clicks shut.

That's when my demons come out for me. The angel of mine that always kept them at bay, walking out the door.

Their hands on me, burning me; I scream out in pain as they tug on my heart, they stomp on it and rip it to shreds. These are my demons though, really this is just what it feels like to be betrayed by the only person in your life that you love and trust completely. To find out that all the things they have ever said to you where lies, that they were all just to make you get attached to them so that they could find your weaknesses.

Which Decklen was, who am I kidding.

What he always will be.

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