Chapter 5

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"You should take him out to dinner," Jackson said to Mark out of the blue. They were both chilling on Mark's newly bought couch and were literally not speaking for 20 minutes, until Jackson said that.

"Take who out to dinner?"

"Youngjae, obviously!" Jackson exclaimed, throwing his arms up in the air for exaggeration. It's been a month already, and his friend still hasn't asked his best friend out on a date yet, even though he knew they had feelings for each other. It was frustrating, really.

Everytime he pushed Mark to ask him, he would always decline, saying that he didn't want to rush anything, but as Jackson had told him, they didn't even have anything. He was actually expecting him to say no this time, too, but it was a surprise when Mark looked up from his paperwork, thought about it for a second, and said, "Why not?"

"Wait, seriously? No backing out this time?"

"Nope. But--" Jackson groaned. He knew there had to be some catch to all this.

"I want to ask for (Y/n)'s permission."

The reason why Mark had been so hesitant to ask Youngjae out this whole time was because of (Y/n). He was listening that day when he heard her say that if someone wanted to date one of her dads, then they would have to go to her first. It was cute, and Mark thought that he should at least let her warm up to him before he goes off taking Youngjae from her. Fast forward to a month later, and here we are now with Mark as one of (Y/n)'s favorite uncles, something that Jackson wasn't too happy about, since he now had more competition as the most favorited one.

Now determined to get (Y/n)'s blessing, Mark planned a whole day with the little girl, which was basically a whole day of him spoiling her (not that he didn't spoil her already). The first thing on his list was picking her up from school, and since it was Friday, he knew she didn't have any homework to do.

"Uncle Mark, where are we going?" The little girl asked, her attention focused on the passing scenery from the car window. They had just passed by their apartment complex, so it confused little (Y/n).

"Me and you are going to go on an adventure together," Mark said to her. He saw how her eyes lit up at the sound of an adventure.

When asked, rather excitedly might I add, where they were going first, Mark answered back with an, "Are you hungry?"

(Y/n)'s growling stomach answered for her, and she cutely told it to be quiet, making the man laugh.

"How about we visit your daddy and get some snacks at the cafe, yeah?"

- - - - -

"That's so sweet of you to take (Y/n) out, Mark hyung." Youngjae, the person who both the little girl and man were dying to see, said as he placed their orders down on the table. For Mark, he ordered an iced Americano, while the little girl had a sandwich. 

The two adults couldn't converse much, seeing as Youngjae was currently on the job, but just seeing him was enough for Mark. Like he'd been doing since he first met him, Mark found himself staring at Youngjae and watching every little thing the younger did. He was so engrossed in his own world that he didn't realize that (Y/n) had asked him a question.

"Uncle Mark, do you like my daddy?"

Mark almost began to splutter when he heard the question, and he had to control himself before he embarrassed himself in public. 

"Wh-Why do you ask?" He had gained at least enough of his composure to talk.

"Because you're always looking at him like how Uncle Yugyeom looks at Uncle Bambam."

Daddy's Little Girl [MarkJae]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant