Chapter 4

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Just a reminder that I'm not a professional or good writer, so forgive me if I have any mistakes or weird way of wording things.

"You're ten minutes early. That's a new record, Mr. Im," Jinyoung praised when (Y/n) and Jaebum had shown up that day. The little girl greeted her favorite teacher, then ran off to play with her new friend Jimin, who was on the swings alone.

"I figured I couldn't always make my daughter late for school, especially when you're her favorite teacher," Jaebum said, a smile directed towards Jinyoung.

"Really? I'm her favorite teacher?" Jinyoung seemed genuinely surprised and happy that a student already considered him their favorite teacher, despite him being (Y/n)'s only teacher for the first grade. Then again, it was also his first year of teaching, so hearing those words made his heart flutter with joy.

Jaebum found it quite endearing how the male's face brightened from that simple compliment, and he liked how crinkles would form at the corners of his eyes whenever he smiled. He felt himself being even more attracted to him.

"You know," Jaebum started, snapping Jinyoung from his giddy moment.

"She's not the only one who thinks of you as their favorite teacher."

The ravenette quickly caught to what Jaebum meant, but before he could make a comment on it, Jaebum decided to excuse himself.

"(Y/n), I'm leaving now!" He called out to the girl, who was happily swinging with the young boy. She merely smiled and shouted, "Bye!"

"I'll see you tomorrow, Mr. Park."

Jinyoung could barely stutter out a "Goodbye" of his own before Jaebum's back disappeared, him shamelessly watching the latter's ass as he walked away. His heart was beating uncontrollably fast, and he kind of enjoyed the butterflies he was feeling.

"I think I might like you, Mr. Im."

• • •

Jackson collapsed to the floor as Mark announced that they had just finished unpacking all of the boxes he had brought with him to Korea. The trio, Mark, Jackson, and Youngjae, had spent the whole morning and part of the afternoon helping the American unpack in his new apartment. The apartment was actually only a few doors down from Youngjae's, so that was a plus for Mark and possibly even Youngjae.

"Do you guys wanna go for some-," Youngjae didn't get to finish asking his question, because Jackson had tripped him and pulled him into his arms to cuddle with him on the floor.

"Hyung, what are you doing?" He asked as he struggled against his strong grip.

"I'm cuddling with you. Duh." The blonde's eyes were closed as he attempted to fall sleep, his limbs tangled with the latter's.

After a few more failed attempts at escaping, Youngjae decided to just give in and let Jackson do what he wanted. It was comfortable anyway, so he guessed that it wasn't that bad. Soon, even he felt himself slowly succumbing to sleep, the surprisingly comfortable fibers of Mark's carpet and the warmth from Jackson making it all the more comfortable.

"What were you guys asking?" Mark had walked into the room and was met with his two friends seemingly fast asleep on his floor. He was a little irked by the fact that they were cuddling, limbs and all, but he knew that Jackson probably meant no harm by his actions, since he now knows about his little "crush" on the ball of sunshine in his arms. He wasn't sure if it was full blown crush yet, but he definitely felt some kind of attraction towards Youngjae.

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