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Hello!! I'm here with a new Markjae fanfic, because Markjae is such an underrated ship and I honestly ship them so hard. I hope you enjoy the first update, which is more of a prologue than an actual chapter.

"Are you sure we should we do this, hyung?" Youngjae stared down at the divorce papers in front of him. They had yet to be filled out, but the couple was hesitating as they gripped pens in their hands.

JB was silent, his eyes fixated on the papers that would end their 6-year marriage and 9-year relationship. It's not like they weren't sure about not wanting to be married anymore. In fact, they had recently discovered that the love they once felt back in high school and when they first got married just wasn't there anymore. The feelings were completely mutual.

So what is it that's making the two almost reconsider their decision?

Simple; their 5-year-old daughter, (Y/n).

Before we carry on with the story, let's backtrack a bit.

The duo had gotten married the year Youngjae graduated high school, while JB was finishing his second year of university. A year after that, the idea was thrown out there by their Thai friend, who also attended the same university, that they should adopt a child.

A reckless idea for two schooling students in university? Yes.

Did they care? Nope.

And so, during the summer time when they didn't have classes, Youngjae and JB had gone to the orphanage and immediately fell in love with the crying baby girl in the arms of one of the workers. They didn't have to go and inspect the other children, though they did as to not be rude, because that baby had already stolen their hearts. She was a newborn, the caretaker had informed the two, practically fresh out the womb.

I suppose you could say it was both a blessing and a tragedy that the little girl had ended up in the orphanage, what with being les than a month old and all. A blessing for the couple, who had secretly hoped to take home a baby, and a tragedy for her, who had been abandoned soon after her birth. The poor girl didn't even have a name yet!

When Youngjae and JB adopted her, they had the privilege of naming her, and the name (Y/n) was what they had decided on.

Yes, balancing a baby and studies was difficult for the young parents, but with each one having the other's back, they managed to raise an adorable little girl and graduate from university. Of course, they also had the help of their three friends BamBam, Yugyeom, and Jackson; they've known BamBam and Yugyeom since high school and met Jackson at the university.

Everything was going pretty all right, except for the current time where they are now contemplating getting a divorce.

JB sighed. "Let's think about it this way, Jae. Do we really want to raise (Y/n) up and pretend to be parents that love each other in front of her, even though we don't? Do we have to lie to her for years without going out and finding people that we truly love?"

"Call me selfish for not wanting to keep this marriage together for the sake of (Y/n), but I just don't want to have to lie all the time. It'll be unhealthy for the both of us."

The younger of the two sighed, knowing full-well that the latter was right. Marriage is a sacred thing that happens between two people that truly love each other. If they didn't love each other anymore, then what was the point in being bound by that piece of paper?

Not only would staying together also be a bad example for their daughter, just imagine either of them getting approached by a cute stranger who asks if they're single, and they have to reply with, "I'm married and have a daughter, but don't worry, cause we don't love each other anyway."

"You're right, hyung." Youngjae took one final breath before grabbing the papers and beginning to fill them out. "It's for the best."

Later that night, after all the papers had been filled out and mailed, they sat on the sofa with their precious little girl to break the news to her. She sat in between them and was puzzled by the unusually serious atmosphere.

"Daddy, what's wrong?" Her innocent (e/c) eyes stared up at Youngjae, her eyebrows furrowed. For some strange reason, the worried look on her face made his breath hitch. How was he supposed to tell his daughter that her parents would be separating? What if she couldn't handle it? What if the news breaks her sunshine-like personality-- one she obviously picked up from Youngjae-- and turns her emo?

All these questions ran through the brunette's mind as he tried to find the words he was looking for. Luckily for him, JB decided to step in.

"(Y/n), you know we love you, right?" Good. He's starting out slow.

The question erased the worry from her expression, and it turned into a bright smile. "Of course! And I love you two, too!"

JB smiled down at his little princess. Just imagining what her reaction might be broke his heart. He looked up at the younger adult and silently pleaded for him to take over.

"(Y/n)," Youngjae paused. It was now or never. "Your daddy and I are getting a divorce."

"What's a divorce?"

"A divorce is when two married people, like your daddy and me, don't love each other anymore, so they break up." He attempted to put it into simple words for her, and the tears that started to form in her eyes proved that she understood.

"Does that mean one of you is going to leave? I'm not going to have two daddies anymore?" Big tears were slowly dropping from her eyes.

"No, no, no, princess!" JB was quick to wrap his arms around her shaking body. "You'll still have two daddies. We just won't be married anymore."

Youngjae watched as his daughter began to cry into JB's chest, and he felt his own tears prick at his eyes. He hadn't expected her to react this badly.

"(Y/n), look at me." Youngjae gently pried her tiny arms from around her daddy's torso and made her look up at him. By now, his face was just as tear-stained as hers.

"Even if your daddy and I are not together anymore, that doesn't mean that we'll ever stop loving you." He paused to wipe some of her tears. "You'll still be able to see the both of us, just not making "icky kissy faces" at each other."

He had used the exact same words she had said whenever the couple would kiss in front of her. He smiled when he saw that it had emitted a cute giggle from her.

JB, who had been silently crying up until now, spoke up. "That's right. It's going to be a little hard to make everything work out, but just remember that we will always love you."

"Really?" She asked, her crying now decreased to sniffles.

"You don't believe us?" Youngjae raised an eyebrow and exchanged knowing glances at his soon-to-be ex-husband.
He then took her into his arms and began to pepper her cute little face with kisses.

"Ahh! It tickles!" While Youngjae kissed her face, JB tickled her sides.

"I believe you! I believe you!"

The rest of the night was spent filled with joyous laughter and giggles from the family of three. All the tears of sadness had dried up and were now replaced with tears of happiness.

Neither of the two men wanted to think about what the future may hold for them, because all that mattered at the moment was spending time with their little girl.

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