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It took hours, but our heat finally subsided. I absentmindedly watched the letters on my arm fade back to black as I held Ariella. She was so graceful and, surprisingly, seemed to know exactly what to do. I took a deep breath and there was that earthy scent again. It was so comforting. I began to doze off... Someone should get the light...

The phone rang. I groaned and held on to Ariella a bit tighter.

"I should get that."

"No, just stay in bed."

"No. I really should answer. It's probably work." I let her go with another groan and watched her still unclothed figure walk to the phone and pick it up. "Speaking. ... Is it time sensitive? Now's kind of a bad time. ... I have someone over. ... Alright. Tell me the details then. ..." I tuned out when I remembered what her job really is. How could I have forgotten that my soulmate is an assassin? How did she even get the job? Why did she even get it? Obviously, she's got the skill if what she just did is any proof... Aaaaaaaa!- How is someone so clumsy also so graceful? Hmph. Oh crap! She can't have a boyfriend, can she? But... surely, she can't be so heartless. Well, she does kill people for a living. But, she was so upset when she learned that my parents wanted me to betray my soulmate. Was that just an act? I would like to think not, but I don't really know her well enough to tell. Gosh, I met her, what? Five days ago? No, three days ago. I know that we should be together because we're soulmates, and, I want to be with her. She's fun and beautiful and she understands, but... does she want to be with me? Is she allowed? Is there some way she can leave the job? She probably makes enough with her voice and piano skills, and I'll get my own job too. Yeah. We can be happy. I know we can. No one has been able to find out who The Siren really is so we should be safe too. Or, safer at least. Surely she wants to leave her job. She can't enjoy it, can she?

"It was work. I have a, um, commission." My eyes focused on her face. She was looking intently at mine, eyes flickering around, looking for who knows what.

"Don't lie to me. You have to kill someone." She looked down. 

"It is a commission... of sorts. That's what we call it anyways." I gave her a disbelieving look that she didn't see. "Look. It has to be done within the hour so I have to go." She turned to her closet and took a step followed by another and another and another. I saw my old nickname on her lower back once again.


"I can't say." She recited as she continued into her closet. "We're not supposed to talk about it. Confidentiality and all that. They usually don't say why anyways. It just needs to be done if we want the money."

"No. I meant, why do you do it?"

"I just told you."

"I don't believe that." She sighed, finished putting on her bra, and turned to me.

"Look, I don't have time for this. We can talk later, okay?" I nodded and she tensely walked to her secret storage. She paused for a couple seconds at the bedroom door but didn't say anything. A couple minutes later, I saw her go into the restroom in her outfit with her weapon. Why would she need anything else? Oh. Right. She leaves a kiss mark on all of her victims but no uncorrupted DNA. That's why they named her The Siren. When she came out, she was in a long, curly, brown, realistic wig as well as makeup. I could hardly tell it was her. She paused when she saw me, but then continued out the door. I heard her motorcycle as I drifted to sleep. I should've asked her to get the light...


I typed the address into my phone a little too aggressively and plugged in my earbuds before speeding off. Goddamnit.

Turn left.

Why didn't I say anything? I should've said something. Anything! I hate leaving people in a bad mood. What if he leaves? What then?

Get on the highway.

What if he doesn't leave? What should I do? Should I ask the agency? What will they say? Will they let me keep him? Will they have him killed? No. They couldn't. They've done so much for me. They adore me. They wouldn't do that. I should tell them. They'll know what to do. Hehe. They'll probably make a cake.


Exit highway in one mile.


I should've said something.


Exit highway.


Turn right.


Turn left.




Your destination is to your left.


I parked, got off my motorcycle, turned off my phone, put it away, and walked to where my next victim was.


This time was horribly routine.

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