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I had just finished making the sandwiches when Brandon walked out of the bathroom, steam following him. His hair was dripping. He's so hoooot! Ack! Calm yourself Ariella. You're the great assassin 'the Siren'! You can't be in love! But, I guess a little fun night with no strings attached could be acceptable. Hehehe. Ah! He's staring at you! say something you dork!
"How do the clothes fit Brandon?"
"They fit perfectly, thanks." Oh, god, his voice is so deep and smooth when he's not freezing.'
"Well, lunch is ready!" Brandon stood awkwardly in front of the book/movie/game closet thingy. "Just, sit yourself down on a bar stool and help yourself. I want you to feel at home here." We both walked to the counter and sat on a bar stool.
"At home, I had to wait until I was told to do something."
"Huh. I guess we both had crappy parents. Yours too strict, mine, too not strict. Tsh. They didn't care about anything. They didn't care when I got bullied, they didn't care when I got hurt, they didn't care when I told them my dreams, and they didn't care when I self harmed. Hell, I could've been abusing drugs too and they would just ask for me to share." I shoved food into my face and looked down in my lap before I could start crying.
"My parent's didn't care about me either." I looked up at Brandon. "They didn't care about my happiness or my dreams either. All they cared about was having a perfect son who studied hard and could take over the company when they grew up. They shot down any other idea no matter who came up with it. They didn't even care about my soulmate."
"Huh? Who's your soulmate?" Brandon sighed and rolled up his right sleeve. I gasped. Holy shit. No way. Nuh uh. Not happening. That does NOT spell 'The Siren'. Nope. Ugh. Fine. Yes it does. Fuck! But, I mean, other people could have the nickname 'The Siren'. I mean, his nickname would have to be 'Shadow' in order for it to really be me. "'The Siren'? As in, like, the great assassin 'The Siren'?"
"That's what my parents were hoping. You see, 'The Siren' was getting bad for business. My parents wanted me to get close to her claiming to be her soulmate, even if the nickname on her isn't my nickname, and kill her when I gained her trust. Sick, right?"
"Damn straight it is! What if she really is your soulmate? They would just want you to kill your one, true love?"
"Like I said, they didn't care about me. Just about their precious business. That's why I ran."
"You were right to run. Damn son. That's just awful." We got silent for while, just eating. "So, clothes. Since tomorrow is Sunday, I thought we could go get you some clothes. Don't worry about the bill. You can pay me back after you get a job."
"You're so generous Ariella."
"Yeah, well, you still have to pay me back."
"What about everything else you're providing for me?"
"Ah, well, just, clean up around the house. I'm not so good at that."
"I can tell." I glared at him.
"Shut up and drink your amazing cocoa. It's got to have cooled down by now." Brandon did so and his eyes widened.
"I never thought hot chocolate could be so good!" Brandon started chugging.
"Well geez, I know I'm an amazing cook but don't choke on it!" Brandon finished and placed his mug back down on the counter.
"Can I have some more?!"
"Fine, but you have to drink it slowly this time!"
"Yes ma'am!"
"And don't call me 'ma'am'!"
"Hai! Gomenesai!"
"...holy shit....You know Japanese?!" Brandon blushed.
"Y-yeah. I, uh, watched anime in secret on my computer after I was finished with my work. Then I deleted the history.... Can I have more cocoa now?"
"Hell ya you can! You can have gallons more! I finally have an anime buddy! Yaaay!" I quickly made more cocoa for Brandon, telling him what I was doing every step of the way so he could make it later when I was feeling lazy.
For the rest of the day, we binge watched anime, ordered some pizza for dinner, and watched more anime until we passed out on the couch.

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