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Surprisingly enough, everything we got to fit in the backpack and we were soon back in the apartment putting away the food.

"Hmm... What's for lunch?"     

"Sandwiches again?"

"No! It's the weekend! Gotta have a little variety. Oh! Taquitos! And salsa of course."

"Of course." Ariella heated up the taquitos and poured the salsa into a small bowl.


"So, when do you work at this job of yours?"

"Today, actually. 4-8. And then Wednesday and Friday, 5-9."

"Really? You only work 12 hours a week?"

"Like I said, it's a really fancy place. They pay really well for my excellent services. And I'm not just saying that. They've actually told me that they get a lot more customers when I'm on stage. Why do you ask?"

"Well, I was thinking that I could clean up while you're gone." While I'm gone? What if he goes into the storage on the porch and finds my gear? Should I tell him not to go in there? No, that would make him suspicious and, as proper as he may be, he wouldn't be able to resist for almost 12 and a half hours each week until he gets his own place... Wait. What am I thinking? He won't be able to find the hidden space in my storage. If the fake wall the agency put in is good enough to fool the police, it'll be just fine protection against a teenage boy. 

"Okay, but if you rearrange things, tell me where you put them. And don't worry about dinner. I'll cook it when I get home. You don't mind if we eat as late as 10 sometimes, do you?"

"Nah, so long as I can have a snack or two I'll be fine."

"Oh, yeah, feel free to snack whenever on whatever isn't dinner so long as you leave the last serving for me."


Beep! Beep!

We ate lunch, arranged for me to go to her school and take all of her classes, and Ariella had to get ready for work as soon as she got off of the phone. She had to wash her hair, blow dry it straight, put a bit of make-up on, and get into her dress but I wasn't allowed to see her until she was finished.

"Oh, wow. You- you look stunning."

"Wh-why are you standing?" She asked with a nervous smirk, avoiding eye contact.

"Hm? Uh, sorry. Force of habit."

"No, it's fine, I was just surprised. No one has ever done that for me before."

"Then no one has treated you properly before." I bowed and when I looked back at her, I saw her blushing and playing with her gloved fingers. It was my turn to smirk, but mine was a confident one. "Would you like an escort to your bike?"

"Aw hell, why not?" I walked across the living room and held my arm out so Ariella could wrap her's around it. We had to turn ourselves to get out of the door, but we were able to walk down the stairs side by side.

"You might as well organize my dresser and closet tonight. I don't mind you touchin' my underwear and all that nonsense. I mean, everything that isn't in the hamper is clean, so you shouldn't mind either. Hehe."


"Yeah, but I'm serious. I expect it to be done by the time I get back. I'm housing you, remember?"

"Of course. I am very grateful."

"And if you can clean up the living room a bit as well, there might be a treat in it for ya." She winked and opened the garage door. "Well, I guess I'll be going then." She hopped on her bike. I don't think that will ever stop being sexy. Wait. No. Bad. "Don't burn the complex down or flood it!" She waved, I waved, and she was off. Heh, I wonder what she means by 'treat'. Ah! Noooo. Head out of gutter.

In the first hour, I was finished with sorting the clothes. It was pretty easy since whatever wasn't hung up in the closet was underwear and socks in a small dresser also in the closet. It's a walk-in closet. So, with another three and a half to four hours left before dinner, I did what any normal teenager would do. I ate chips and salsa for an hour or so while watching T.V., of course.
After my break, I cleaned up the living room and sorted the cabinet for an hour and a half. After all of that work, it was starting to get hot so I went out onto the patio to cool down. However, when I got out there, I immediately saw the storage closet. Hmm... I wonder if she would give me more of a treat if I organized in there too. Like, cookie-brownies instead of just brownies. Well, if not, at least I'll have it out of the way so I won't need to do it later. It's a win-win situation.    

I opened the storage door only to find that there wasn't much there to organize. A bicycle, some extension cords, minimal amounts of holiday decorations... Huh, it's already organized. But, hmm... It kinda looks like the things make a path to the left wall. I guess it's so she can get to things easier. Wait. Why isn't there anything against that wall then? The decorations seem to be a little cramped. There's something about that wall that just isn't right. I walked up to the wall and knocked on it. Nope. Not hollow. Oh well. It was worth a try. Wait. It's supposed to be secret, right? So maybe... I got Ariella's candelabra, lit the candles, and went back into the storage, but this time I closed the door before knocking on the wall. I waited for a few seconds, but nothing happened. Just as I was about to go back outside, I heard a scraping sound. The wall was collapsing in on itself!

When it finished, I stepped over it and found what looked like a black wet suit hanging from the wall, and below it was a chest with the words 'The Siren' painted on it in scarlet paint and in a fancy font. Under the words were some tallies. The exact same number of people The Siren had killed. I couldn't believe it. No. Ariella couldn't be The Siren. She was too sweet. And yet... I opened the chest and saw a black and silver sword in it along with a sheath that straps on the back. There was no doubt. Ariella was The Siren. She was my soulmate.

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