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"Mi casa es su casa!" I announced when we stepped in my third floor apartment. Man, that was a lot of stairs. "Do ya think you can take a shower on your own while I make us sum food?"
"Y-yeah. I'm st-tarting to w-warm up. C-could I have h-help getting there tthhough?"
"Of course." I set my umbrella down outside and closed the door, locking it.
"It's r-reallly n-nice in here."
"Thanks. I try to keep it mostly clean incase of surprise visitors. Sorry about the books everywhere though."
"N-no. I l-like it. My p-parents always k-kept it t-too cleannn. It's c-cozy in here. B-besides, I was talking ab-bout the w-walls."
"Oh." I blushed a tinge. "Thanks. I, uh, painted them myself."
"It-it's amazzingg."
"Thanks." I blushed more. That was the first time anyone has complemented my paintings! Then again, no one had really seen my paintings. Oh gosh, he's still shivering. "So, to the shower!" I helped Brandon through the living room and into the bathroom. "Oh gravy. I totally forgot it was this messy in here. Wow it's like, whenever you have company over, you see your house with new eyes. Gosh, I'm so sorry."
"I-it's finne. You are a g-girl aftter alll." Huh, guys usually freak out when they see feminine products. This one must've been in a posh family or somethin like that.
"Okay good. Well, I'm sure you'll be able to find everything you need. It's not that big of a restroom..."
"Okay! I'll just go change. And make food." I dashed out of the restroom and closed the door. That was embarrassing. I'm surprised he didn't ask about the covered up mirrors though. I sighed. Well, I better get the water started on boiling and get some dryer clothes on.


After Ariella left, I turned on the hot water and peeled off my sopping clothes, placing them somewhere to dry. While waiting for the water to get hot, I cleaned up a bit. It was the least I could do in return. Why are the mirrors covered up? Does she not like the way she looks? But she's so beautiful. And artistic. Those murals were gorgeous. No, what are you thinking Brandon? You surely can't be in love with her. A girl as cute and kind as that could never be the great assassin that goes by the name, 'The Siren.'
I sighed and my fingers went over the black curly letters on my arm that spelled out the name, 'The Siren'. My soul mate. Everyone in this world has the nickname of their soul mate somewhere on them. It appears when you turn sixteen. That's why sixteen is the most important birthday. I turned sixteen last week. These stupid fancy letters! I wonder what Ariella's nickname is. I wish that would be the name that is on my arm. I've heard of names changing, but it's so rare. I checked the water. It was perfectly hot. I got in and mindlessly washed myself.

I got out of the shower and dried myself off only to find that my clothes were gone and replaced with some of Ariella's. They were nicely folded and there was a note on them.

I put your clothes in the wash and tried to pick out some clothes you would like AND ones that would fit you. It was really hard since I mostly own bright colored clothes, but I managed. Also, thanks for cleaning up.          -Ariella 💜

     I turned the card over.

P.S. nice ass ;)

What? Who does this girl- Oh forget it. I don't even care. Actually, kind of flattering. I looked down at the clothes. A large grey hoodie and some large black sweat pants. I bet these would be super baggy and cute on her. Yes. Cute. I admit it. I mean, she's already admitted that she likes me too. I wonder if... nah. She couldn't be. I put on the clothes and fixed my hair before following the amazing smell of hot chocolate.

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