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'Alone. Cold. Wet. Hungry. Tired. Where even am I? I've been wandering for so long. I'm going to get sick if I stay out here much longer. Who am I kidding? I don't care anymore. Let me just die.'


'Viva viva happy! Chu lu lu chu chu! He he! I love the rain! Wait. What's that?' The fluffy haired girl stopped skipping and gazed over at the shadow in the alley.


*Splish, splish, splish.* "Wh-who's there? P-please don't m-mug me. I-I d-d-d-on't h-have annnything I s-s-swear!" The darkly dressed boy tugged on his long sleeves and assumed a fetal position. But, instead of a kick, he felt the rain stop. He opened an eye. No, it's still raining. The boy looked up and saw that an umbrella was being held above him. He looked further up and a bit to the side to see that the person holding the umbrella was a girl about his age. A very cute girl. She had short, bushy hair, kind eyes, and bright-colored, mismatched clothing. The girl giggled and held a hand out to him. "Wh-who a-are y-y-you?"

"My name is Ariella. You?"

"Th-that's an o-o-oddd nnamme."

"Yeah, my parents were 'up there' when they named me." The girl sighed. "They were always 'up there'."


"Ah-ah. You haven't answered my question yet. What's your name?"

"B-b-branndon... I-itt's aannn Irissshhh th-thinng."

"Why are you out here all alone Brandon?"

"Y-you h-havvvenn't-anweredd my qu-quesstionn y-yet."

"Heh. My parents are dead." Ariella sat down next to Brandon.

"I r-ran aw-wayy." Brandon could feel a little heat coming off of Ariella and instinctively scooted closer to her. "Wh-who d-do you l-live withh noww?"

"I live on my own now." Brandon's eyes widened.

"H-how olld arre y-you?"

"I turned sixteen in July, just after my parents died. Law says that I have to have a stable job and good grades if I am to live on my own at this age. I have both."



'Oh my Jesus. He's shivering really bad. What do I do?!' "Wanna stay at my place?" 'Holy crap I can't believe I just said that.' "Like, you know, since you have nowhere else to go. But, only til you get your own place!" 'Fuck fuck fuuuuck!'

"W-woww. R-realllyy?"

"Urm, yeah?"

"Th-that'dd b-be v-vverryy k-kindd off y-you. Th-thaankk y-youu."

"Okay. Great!" Ariella stood up and brushed herself off. "Home's this way." Ariella pointed in the direction of her home and waited for Brandon to get up. Brandon stood up shakily but immediately fell back down because of weariness. "Omigosh. Are you okay?" Ariella helped Brandon up and acted as his crutch.

"S-sorrrry. I'm j-just s-so t-tireddd."

"It's okay. I'll make some hot chocolate and sandwiches when we get home. And you can take a nice, warm shower."

"Th-thatt soundss n-nicce."

"Hell yeah it does. I always make the best food. Even if it's just a sandwich and some cocoa." Brandon chuckled as they started walking. 'What the f? I can't believe I just invited a stranger into my home! But, he looked like he was about to die! Plus, he's kinda handsome.'


'I can't believe I'm going into a stranger's home! But, I guess it's better than nothing...Plus, she's kinda pretty.'

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