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There's so much fire

Everywhere I look it's all I can see

I can litterally FEEL the heat

It's suffocating

I try to move around and find a way out but it hurts

Next thing I know I'm on the floor crawling because my legs are burned so badly

I crawl a bit until I start to see silhouettes of people on the floor...I try to ignore it but I can hear them crying, screaming for help...but what can I do...

The further I crawl the louder the screams get, until I can no longer take it and stop, wrapping my arms around my head trying to block them out

Then there's nothing

Everything is gone and there's nothing around me...everything is black and cold but I'm still in pain from the I crawl again...trying to find something, ANYTHING!

Then I fall and I feel water surrounding me

I'm can't breathe and I can't swim out if the water I just fell into

I'm sinking further and further, my lungs burning

I'm drowning

Suicidal PainWhere stories live. Discover now