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[3rd Person's POV]
"Finallllllyy! We're home!", Mira outstretched her arms as we entered K. "It feels like forever", Akane mumbled as it has been about two months. "Sure does", Tomo smiled. "I'm going to head up and meet up with some people. They probably want to know how our mission was", he said, waving off.
"What are you going to do?", Mira looked over to Akane. "..Flowers", she said. "..right.. want us to come with?", she asked. "No. I feel like I should ask Kou.. but meh", Akane shrugged. "Eh, up to you. I'm going to 'surprise' some people", she grinned, walking off. "Don't kill them", Akane called out before heading to the flower garden on campus.
Kneeling on one knee, she takes out her dagger and sliced through the last rose stem. Gathering the bouquet of roses, varying from red, white, and pink, she stood up and made her way to her dorm. As Akane settled her stuff down, it felt like years since shes been there. "I'm home", she mumbled as she collapsed on the bed. "...something feels like it's missing..", Akane muttered as she put a hand to my beating heart.

[Akane's POV]
A week has passed and I found myself out in the entrance of Maru once more.
Leaning against the wall, it wasn't long for someone to come---but it wasn't the person I was waiting for. "Huh..? You?", I look up and find Shin with Lily and Jin. "What are you doing here?", Jin asked. "Waiting for someone", I muttered, earning confused faces. "Ah! Akane! Gomen!", a cheerful voice shouted from afar. There, I find Kou. "'re too cheerful", I winced at the sound. "You're too dull", he remarked with furrowed brows. "Hah, sibling dispute? Never thought Akane would be part of one", Lily smirked in amusement. "Whatever. Bye", I said, walking off with Kou beside me.

[3rd Person's POV]
'Why is she here for Kou? Where are they going?', Shin thought to himself.
Despite his uneasiness, he couldn't help but feel slightly happy after seeing Akane.
"Wow.. I never even knew where this place was. Principal never told me anything", Kou said as the two stood side by side. Setting the bouquet of roses in between the two gravestones, Akane and Kou bowed and said their prayers.
"Hi.. mom.. dad..", Kou mumbled, holding back tears. "Geez..", Akane sighed and draped her jacket over his head, covering up his tears. "C'mon..", Akane said as she patted his draped head.
'Don't worry mom, dad.. I won't lose him, too' she thought to herself.
Back in her dorm, Akane laid on her bed, staring up at the ceiling.
Putting a hand to her heart, she closed her eyes in the silence of the room.
'My heart.. why.. after seeing Kou? Lily? Jin?.. Shin...? Wait.. ugh.. don't tell me.. tch.. I actually like that idiot?', she thought.
With that.. she slowly dozed off.

[Akane's POV]
I woke up from the banging of my door. I slowly sit up and glance at the clock, seeing that I only slept for about three hours.
"AKANE!", the banging didn't stop from Mira and Tomo. Furrowing my eyebrows, I open the door with a frown of agitation. "What?", I growled. "It's Kou", Mira said. "What?", I asked once more. "C'mon", Tomo pulled me by the wrist, bringing me out to the entrance.
There we found Shin, Lily, and Jin. "Huh? What are they doing here?", I asked with confusion. "It's Kou. He's been taken", Lily said with a grave expression.
"What the hell is this.. tch..", I mumbled as the 6 of us ran in our assassin speed, heading over to the location said by Jin. Each in our assassin gear, we stood outside of an unfamiliar, abandoned warehouse. Night was soon to come, since the sun was now setting.
"Tch.. let me get this straight. As you were passing by the entrance of Maru, you saw Kou talking to a group of suspicious men. They suddenly drugged him and shoved him in a car, speeding off", Mira sums it up. "Basically. Once we saw, we sped after them and pin pointed the location---which is this place", Lily said.

[3rd Person's POV]
"Alright, so maybe the plan should be that we go to the rooftop, sneakily---", Jin began, only for him to stop short when Mira, Akane, and Tomo walked straight into the warehouse as Mira shouted, "Play times over~ C'mon out~". "..seriously.. what kind of discipline does K have?!?", Jin shouted as they jogged to catch up to them.
With that, the 6 assassins stood in the center of the empty warehouse with no one in sight. "Are you sure this is the place?", Tomo asked. "Positive. But they're probably just hiding ri---", Lily began, only for her to shush when Akane held up a hand. There was pure silence until Akane quickly turned around, and shot a dagger in the direction. Seconds later, a grunt screamed out as a man went limp, falling into the pool of his own blood with a dagger in his throat. As if it was a signal, men in all directions came out, surrounding them. One of them was the leader, holding a barely conscious, beaten up Kou by the collar of his shirt.
"Let him go", Akane said, narrowing her eyes at her opponent. "This punk? Umm.. how about no? It was his choice to join this gang, and didn't anyone tell him it's hard to get out?", the leader grinned. "Ah~ Big mistake~ it's always amusing in how people underestimate Akane and us, in general", Mira smirked, spinning a dagger around her index finger. "Huh?", the leader looked at her confusingly. "Well~ Anything involving teammates and family will trigger her. I would say you should change your mind now", Tomo said, narrowing his eyes at his opponent.
With that, Akane opened her once closed eyes, which were now a glowing, bloody red. "Welp.. too late", Jin said as he backed away. "Ah.. it's Akuma", Shin said as he took a single step back. "W-what's that..", Kou uttered before getting thrown towards the floor. "That's.. Akuma. Akane's inner darkness", Mira smirked. With that, Akuma lunged towards the leader, having everyone engage in combat.

[Akane's POV]
I give him a solid kick in the face, perfectly hitting him across the cheek. As I turned around, I quickly unsheathed a dagger and shot it with precision. The blade moves past him, having him stare at me with smirk. "You missed", he chuckled. "Wasn't aiming for you dumba*s", I cocked my head, having him turn around and find that the ropes tying Kou were not torn. Breaking free, Kou immediately goes to help everyone else, who was basically having the upper hand in combat---despite it now being 7 vs. 30.
I lunge straight for him with two daggers in each of my hand. As I swiped left and right, he dodged them all and frantically scurried back. "What are you going to do now..? All your men.. are dead", I slightly tilted my head, my bloody red eyes piercing through his soul. "W-what..", he uttered as he looked around. All men were dropped down on the floor, blood covering the entire warehouse. Kou was getting up, smiling to himself as he scanned the dead bodies around him---being a sadist.. typical of him. Lily and Jin was now sitting side by side, blood stained on their hands, talking about their strategies that they used in this fight. Mira was flicking blood off her skin, grimacing at how dirty the job was. Meanwhile, Tomo was examining the bodies, taking down mental notes of who they were. Shin, on the other hand, was cleaning up his blood stained daggers with a handkerchief he took out of one of the men's pockets.
"H-how is that p-possible.. y-you're all monsters..!", he uttered, stumbling up. "Taking away my only blood relative left.. you're the monster here", my eyes were filled with rage as I gripped my dagger. Ready to slit his throat, I immediately felt pain surge from my back to the rest of my body. As I felt the metallic blade leave my body, I lose grip on the dagger, and began to fall back. I turn my head and see that my sight was now blurry.. but I find Shin's figure staring at me in shock. I silently mouthed a few words before dropping to the ground, barely conscious.. I felt my bloody red eyes dim back to normal as my breath went shallow..

[3rd Person's POV]
As Akane was ready to kill, one of the men quietly stumbled up, already on the verge of death. Too far to reach him, everyone stared in shock. "AKANE!", Mira shouted, but it was too late. He punctured Akane from behind, stabbing her in her back---close to the heart.

A/N: I've been having longer chapters if you haven't noticed~ That's causeeee.. well.. you'll find out next week :)

Btw, sorry that I missed my Saturday. Was busy, but I forgot to publish it even though I was ready to.

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