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[???'s POV]
A knock came from the door of my dorm, and I slowly turned the knob and opened it. There, I found principal in front of me, and I immediately bowed with politeness and respect. "..Akuma Kou. Please follow me to my office", he said. I confusingly nod and he told me the news I never knew would hit me.
"I have a twin sister? Who??", I ask. "..Akuma Akane", he said, causing me to pause for a thought. Everything now added up. I now know why she was so familiar, why I had faint memories..
Opening the door to his office, I find Shin's leading group along with K's assassins and headmaster.

[Akane's POV]
I stared at him with my eyes narrowed as he tilted his head in confusion.
"No", I said, causing everyone to stare at me confusingly. "We have the same face, but we're total opposites", I said as I looked at him with his carefree smile. "You shouldn't underestimate him, he's ranked 7. I guess your brother is a.. 'S'", the principal of Maru said. "A sadist? Him? I can see it", Tomo nodded. "..two Akanes? Ugh.. gross", Mira shivered, having me roll my eyes.
"Well.. anyways, Kou, this is Akane, Akane, this is Kou. You're little twin brother, by 2 minutes technically", Principal and Headmaster explained as the two of us looked at each other up and down. "Now that this is settled, I shall head back to my office..", Headmaster stood up. "Brother", he coldly said as he began to walk out, but I unsheathed a dagger and aimed it directly at Headmaster's head. He immediately turned around and caught the blade between his index and middle finger. "You're not going anywhere. You, two, are going to talk shit out before either of you leave. I'm tired of this 'mission' when it's going nowhere", I growled before leaving. Following after me was Shin, Jin, Lily, Mira, Tomo, and Kou.
"Well.. we'll keep watch over here while you catch up with Kou", Tomo awkwardly scratched the back of his head as he stared at us. Looking at one another, we knew there was awkwardness between us already.. "I guess.." I muttered.

[3rd Person's POV]
"Well?", Principal raised a brow. "What?", Headmaster replied coldly. "I know that you sent your 3 assassins here to 'persuade' me", he said. "What of it? I sent those 3 to persuade you, I'm not doing it myself", Headmaster replied.
The two began to bicker like children for 30 minutes before the two went quiet.
" did Akane know..", Prinicpal later asked. "She's an assassin, as well as an elite hacker. She might've felt something odd..", Headmaster muttered. "..does she know?". "About that?", headmaster raised a brow, earning a nod from his brother. "I doubt it. That's hidden information that even Akane can't get a hold of", he said.
"Shall we put this all aside..", Principal asked, getting a nod in reply. "Alright.. for the sake of the twins and what we have caused them.. especially that", Principal said.
"..yes.. for the sake of them and that incident. We owe it to them.. for.. assassinating their parents for a mission", Headmaster muttered.
It was still clear in their minds.. the day when they received the mission to assassinate Akuma Miza and Akuma Tsubu.

Out by the house of the Akumas, the two brothers stood side by side in the night shadows.
"Why are we assassinating them again? They're our friends aren't they..?", Headmaster muttered. "According to Leader, friends don't exist. And it's because they betrayed us.. they were actually working for the Other Side", Principal replied.
With that, the two broke in and glided swiftly over to the master bedroom. Opening the door quietly, they already found Mizu and Tsubu in their assassin gear, waiting for them. "About time you found out", Tsubu said. "Let's make this quick and quiet.. my kids are sleeping", Mizu grinned. As if on que, the four kicked off their feet and lunged at each other; engaging in physical combat.
In the end, Mizu and Tsubu were assassinated. It was a harsh fight, leaving Headmaster and Principal at the verge of death; but they were quickly saved when back-up assassins came to the rescue. It was then 2 vs. 8. Not a fair fight, but anything to get the job done.
They quickly cleaned everything up without any fingerprints, and injected a virus in the dead bodies, staging an illness. With that.. the two began to leave when they pass by an open door. Peeking in, they find a girl and boy sleeping silently. After a small dispute, they decided to each take a child..


[Akane's POV]
I couldn't remember anything with my parents.. I was probably very young. It's odd.. my furthest back memory was me enrolling K, but nothing more..
I remember being led there by Headmaster after I found out about my parent's illness.. it was always odd to me that they died at the same time with the same disease.. odd.
Headmaster trained me to be tough, heartless, and cold--showing no mercy. Obviously being a child, I always smiled and talked with Tomo and Mira, but that soon ended after what happened to Kyo. It was always odd to me.. about everything.
"..we're total opposites", the both of us said at the same time as we made our way back to the group. After catching up, we had different interests, hobbies, food, etc., except for the fact that we enjoy doing missions and killing.
"How was it?", Tomo asked, only for us to shake our heads. "Hm.. Kou's probably the better twin though, since he isn't so rude", Shin muttered, causing me to glance at him with a small glint in my eyes.
The door of the room finally opens and we find Headmaster and Principal standing before us. "We decided to keep things well between us", Principal said. "Yes. This means, we're all heading home", Headmaster announced, causing all of us to slightly widen our eyes at the sudden announcement.

[Shin's POV]
'They're.. heading back..?'
We stood before the entrance gate, seeing them off, my heart.. I think that's what it's called, slightly ached as I watched Akane stand there.
"Hah, you guys are pretty weak and damn annoying", Mira began. "Where is this going, b*tch?", Jin growled with a raised brow. "--but, I guesssss you're okay", Mira bashfully said, causing all of us to give a slight grin.
"Let's meet again one day. But next time might resort in us being rivals", Tomo waved.
As the two turned, all left was Akane. "'re all idiots.. bye", she said, before flicking me hard on the forehead and walking away..

[Akane's POV]
'What was it...? I'm finally going back to K.. but after flicking Shin.. my heart slightly ached... why..'

A/N: Lateeee updatessss ;-; Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter :)


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