Chapter 23: Dungeons and Dragons

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Did y'all read chapter 22? You might have missed it, so go check it out! Most of y'all already know there names but just in case

Basically : Marcel
Cartoonz : Luke
Cheshire : Una
Delirious : John / Jonathan
Droid : Arlan
Mickey : James
Miniladd : Craig
Moo : Brock
Nogla : David
Ohm : Ryan
Wildcat : Tyler
Panda : Anthony
Terrorizer : Brian
Vanoss : Evan
And finally
Lui : Lui


Chapter 26 : Dungeons and Dragons

My eyes flutter open as the door to my room opens slowly with a creak. I close my eyes quickly as the intruder silently walks over to the side of my bed. Snapping my eyes open I grab there wrist and tackle them to the ground. I go to punch them in the face but they dodge and grab my arm. "Una calm down! It's just me!" Cartoonz whisper hisses at me.

Realization pours over me as I squint in the dark and see the outline of the red mask. Getting off of him I give him a hand up. "Sorry about that, what are you doing here."

"Well I came to warn you, don't worry about the cameras mini is asleep and I have ohm replacing the video with old footage." Cartoonz pauses and walks over to the door shutting it.

"Vanoss wants the flash drive. I don't know what's on it, he won't tell anyone, even delirious doesn't know." He whispers to me.

"I don't know what's on there either, James wouldn't let me look at it." I said while sighing

"James? Is that Mickey?" Cartoonz asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Shit yeah, i didn't mean to let that slip, I'm just really tired." I say going to rub my eye but my hand meets the thick cool plastic.

"Just be prepared to be pestered by Vanoss tomorrow morning." Cartoonz says while shaking his head and leaving.

I groan and crawl back into my soft bed. As sleep slowly overcomes me all that remains in my mind is the fleeting image of James.


I'm awoken from my sleep by a sudden knocking on my door. "Yeah?" I groan out, my voice laced with sleep. The door opens and Moos head comes into view with a calm expression on his face. "Vanoss wanted me to wake you up, if you'd come with me." He waits holding the door slightly ajar.

I hesitantly get out of bed and walk over to moo. He grabs my arm firmly and drags me out of the room. While walking down the hall with moo I quickly assess the new base. We pass multiple doors marked with different letters.

Finally moo drags me into the kitchen where the crew is seated at a long table. Everyone looks up for a second before going back to eating. I get forced down into a chair next to Panda and Terrorizer. I go to make a move when a cuff is slapped onto my left wrist and the chair. I look at moo "really?" He just shrugs his shoulders and walks to his seat.

The quiet clinking of utensils fills the kitchen while the guys talk to one another. I've never been much of a breakfast type of person so I don't bother filling my plate. I look over the table laden with an assortment of eggs, bacon, and pancakes before my thoughts are interpreted.

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