Chapter 10: Unexpected visitors

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It's around two in the morning when I reach the docks. Walking back into our base I see James passed out on the couch with my note stuck to his forehead. Taking it off of him I silently walk up tommy room. Throwing the note away in a rubbish bin next to my bed I turn and flip in the bed closing my eyes falling into a deep sleep.
I slowly roll out of bed and get dressed for the day ahead. Walking downstairs I see James sitting on one of the couches with a laptop on his lap. Typing feverishly as he lowly mutters things I can't make out. "What's up?" I say as I lean over the couch to look at what he was doing. "Some one knows our number and called it this morning I've traced it to the Black Cat Lounge." I chuckled and close his computer. "It's fine I gave my number to an old friend, she has agreed to be our middle man." I say as I turn on the tv. "Wha-bu-n-whY?" He sputtered out, his voice cracking at the end. "I know I can trust her and she'll make handling our business easier anyways." I give him a glare which said end of conversation. With a humph he turns to look at the television.

A shrill ringing echoed through out the room. "Cheshire" I hear Alice's soothing voice come out of the phone. "You've got a client." With that I smirk.
Three months later

James and I wait in the shadows of the old warehouse. Two jeeps pull up and eight men hop out and walk into the building. I can't get a good look at them since the sun has already set and the stars don't provide much light. One of the men toss down a lit match on the ground. That's the signal.

James and I walk out into the center of the warehouse. I turn on night vision and the eyes of my mask glow a dark green. I hear one of the men gasp and I smirk. My smirk fades as I look at the group in front of me. "Keep them busy." I whisper to James as I turn and walk around the opposite side of the warehouse.

I feverishly punch in Alice's number and hold the phone up to my ear. "What's up?" She asks.
"What's up? Alice how could you send the crew to me!"
She hesitates before answering.
"They would be good for business and to have some sort of contact with them would keep us on their good side."
Sadly she was right about them being good for business.
"fine, next time send me a warning." I sigh and hang up.

As I walk up next to James I hear Vanoss speak. "Listen we are busy people if you don't have the time to negotiate with us we'll just leave."
"Stay"  my altered voice comes out sounding mechanical.
Everyone turns to look at me and I hear Delirious whisper "finally".

"We need the flash drive that once belonged to Jamis Trek." Vanoss says
"I'll see what I can do, but first let me talk to my partner." Turning to James I drag him away.

"What are we gonna do I can't give up the drive to them, hell I don't even want to help them in any way shape or form!" I growled at James

"This could be a blessing in disguise Cheshire."

"How could this be a good thing Micky?" I sighed exasperatedly

"We tell them that we want them to take on una as a new teammate. By doing that you can reveal there identities, steal information, and bring them down from the inside." James says smartly

Why didn't I think of that. "Good idea but I'll need to cover my face the whole time. I like the way you think mick." I smirk and head back to the boys.

"It's been decided we give you the drive if you take on a new member."

"Who do you have in mind?" Moo asks me.

"I was thinking of an old friend who goes by Griffin."

"Like the fat dude from family guy?" Wildcat yells

I sigh and shake my head. What an idiot. "No like the legendary creature you dunce." Basically says and slaps him upside the head. Wildcat hits him back but Basically slaps back again. Soon it turns into a sissy fight until James yells. "Are we here for business or just to mess around?!"
Vanoss gives both wildcat and basically a cold glare. "Sorry business, can we meet this griffin first?"

"Sure" I take out a card and write the name of a cafe. "Meet them here at 8 a.m. tomorrow, got it."

They all nod and turn to leave. "Wait, if you do anything to betray the deal once we seal it, I will make sure that all your deaths will be painful and slow." I growl at them and walk away into the shadows with James trailing behind me.

Hearing the roar of engines and the squeal of tires fade away I step out next to James.

"I think that went well don't you?" I ask turning to James.

"You're now playing a dangerous game Chesh, just make sure you don't hurt yourself."

"James I've already been blown up, I don't think it can get worse than that." I snap.

I hear him mumble "well someone is touchy.

"James if you weren't my friend I would snap you neck." I snarl and he just puts his hands up in a surrendering gesture.

Rolling my eyes I climb on my bike and race down the street with James squealing behind me.


Yo ... this chapter kinda sucked to be honest. Next one will be better and faster produced. So sorry but happy holidays y'all. I was hesitant about doing the three month time skip but I needed her empire to grow and it would have honestly just have been the same thing over and over and over again until we got to this part so instead of boring you with the details I just did a time skip. Please forgive me if you didn't like that but I thought it was the best decision. I hope you enjoyed.

-Barn owl

Word count - 1087

Don't be a silent reader! I'm open to constructive criticism! If you see a typo or a mistake you could just point it out and I will fix it!

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