Chapter 21: Curiosity killed the cat

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Vanoss steps into the kitchen flanked by the rest of the crew. "We've made our decision..." he pauses for dramatic effect. "Cheshire, welcome to the crew." With that my world fades to black
Voices. So many voices. They swirl around my head and into my ears. I try to open my eyes when My hearing starts to clear up. "Shit -- why -- so blunt -- she's in the crew!?" A garbled voice reaches my ears as I strain to hear more. Then the voice of Vanoss infiltrates my mind. "Cheshire, welcome to the crew." His voice echoes and bounces around my mind. I'm part of the crew. My world slides away from me once more and slowly falls silent.


I groan as my eyes open to darkness. Slightly shaking the grogginess off my body I reach a hand up to my mask and switch on night vision. I sit up and stretch as my surroundings turn a bright green. Crawling off the oddly comfortable but unfamiliar bed I slink over to the door. I look for a lock and when I see none I give the door a slight tug. The door doesn't open, wonderful.

Walking around the room I look for anything that could be useful to my escape. Pizza boxes are strewn about the floor while two dirty green hoodies are thrown across a lamp and chair. Sighing I carefully walk around the grease stained pizza boxes to a book shelf on the other side of the room.

It seemed so out of place seeing as it was clean and untouched while, the rest of the room seemed as a tornado ran threw it. I run my hand over the many books that lie on the beautifully crafted shelf. I stop and raise an eyebrow as my fingers flick over an oddly smooth book. I read the spine and it says "Seven Brief Lessons on Physics : by Carlo Rovelli"

I snort while mentally singing One of these things is not like the other. Which one could it be? With a quick yank the book falls halfway out of the shelf and the bedroom door flies open. Can I get a hooyah?!

Nimbly hopping over the discarded trash I make my way to the open door. I put one foot out of the room when a body slams into me. I stumble but mange to catch my balance as I look up at the man wearing aviators in front of me. "She's up guys!" Moo yells down the hall. He gives me a warm half hearted smile before the sound of footsteps echo throughout the hall.

I groan as Vanoss and a few other members of the crew emerge. "I'm sure you have many questions. If you'll come with me." Vanoss turns and starts walking down the brightly lit hallway.

I debate wether to try and escape or get answers. Well curiosity killed the cat am I right? I quickly catch up to Vanoss while the rest of his men stay back and talk amongst them selves.

We walk in silence until we reach a door with a golden V on it. Vanoss opens the door and ushers me in. I roll my eyes and slowly walk into the room. He closes the door and takes a seat behind a desk. "Welcome to my office, take a seat, we have much to talk about." He says cooly

"I prefer to stand, thanks" i say snidely. His jaw clenches but then relaxes as he exhales from his mouth.

"You must be interested in why we decided to take you in and make you a member of our crew." Vanoss starts calmly.

"There are many reasons to keep you on as part of the team, but you do realize not everyone voted for you to stay. You are dangerous to us seeing as you know things even I didn't about my team. But your resources and many connections would be incredibly useful." Vanoss says while clasping his hands in front of him.

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