~The Day~

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*cue beautiful music for a montage*

I woke up with an evident smile on my face, indicating my happiness that the day was finally here. The day of the wedding. We have been planning it for months, but today on April 7, Mark and I are finally getting married. I've been waiting for this moment since I met the man.

Mark and I decided last night that we wanted to sleep in different rooms the day before the wedding and we would wait to see each other until I walk down the aisle. I look across the room at my white, crisp tux, biting my bottom lip to contain my excitement.

We stayed in the hotel we are getting married at the night before and now my friends are coming up to get me ready. Butterflies flutter around my stomach and refuse to cease. There's a rapping at my door and I jump from my bed, wrapping my robe tightly around me and open the front door to reveal a smiling Felix and Ethan. I let them in as the speak their words of congratulations to me and then sit me down on the chair. They're here to help me get ready.

"How ya feeling, Jack?" Felix asks as he unzips the bag my tux was being held in. I smile and sigh, picking at the leather on the seat I'm sat upon.

"I feel happier than I've ever been," I say truthfully, running a hand through my hair and continuing to nervously pick at the fraying leather.

"Just wait 'till you're married to him," Ethan jokes as he nudges me with his elbow. I laugh at his playfulness, but it doesn't subside the anxiety I'm feeling.

"I t'ink I need some air," I tell them quietly, and they share a glance before turning back to my tux and running through the schedule. I step out to the balcony, pushing open the doors and breathing in the refreshing spring air. Nature is blooming all around, the promise of life. A life with Mark.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Felix stand beside me, leaning his elbows against the edge of the cement that fenced us in from falling out. I can't go that close to the edge, it'll give me more anxiety.

"Nervous?" Felix asks, looking at me with those bright blue eyes. I swallow, biting my bottom lip and hanging my head slightly in shame.

"I should feel ready," I admit, shaking my head back and forth. I'm such a disappointment.

"Hey, everyone gets this way before their wedding," Felix starts to say, and it does make me feel a little better. "I would be more worried if you didn't feel this nervousness and anxiety."

"Really?" I ask, my eyes hopeful and I feel my body fill with liveliness. The jitters are settling in, but also a sense of excitement and promise for life.

"Of course," Felix set his hand on my arm and slapped my back. "Now, let's get you cleaned up for your man." I chuckle as he leads me inside, feeling better. I'm ready.


The sounds of piano and violin fills the room and my heart rate picks up as I stand around the corner. Felix is walking me down the aisle today, and I couldn't be more pleased with that arrangement.

Felix loops his arm through mine and a man in a suit signals us to proceed. I take in a deep breath and we round the corner, and immediately my eyes meet Mark's. He's wearing a deep read tux, his hair neatly combed back and he looks calm. He probably took a sip of toquilla like I did just a half hour ago to settle the nerves.

Mark smiles immediately as we see each other, and I have to hold myself back from rushing towards him and jumping on him. I finally make it down to Mark and Felix pats my shoulder, leaving me with my groom. I can't take my eyes off him and the minister starts to ramble on, but I can't hear him over my beating heart and the blood rushing to my ears. I suspect my face is bright pink, and I take deep, calming breaths to relax myself.

"You may now recite your vows."

"Sean," Mark starts, and with that one word my heart melts. "I've known you for years now and not a day has flown by that I haven't thought about you. I promise to always protect you and keep you safe. I'll always support your dreams and try to make you the happiest ever, because that's what you make me. And I'll always make sure you know you're good enough."

My heart skips a beat and I take a shaky breath before professing my vows to him. Mine go by in a blur, but by the look on Mark's face I did a good job. Again, my hearing fades out and all I can do is stare at Mark's face. I make out the words as Mark utters, "I do."

The minister turns to me with a small smile on his face. I brighten and straighten up as he asks me if I would take Mark as my lawfully wedded husband. Instantly I respond, "I do." The minister barely starts his sentence of, "you are now pronounced husband and husband; you may now kiss the groom," before Mark's lips find mine and we're kissing. It was nice and sweet and long, and most people clap but I can hear Wade somewhere catcalling.

Time to party with my husband.


We're out at the reception, holding hands as people are congratulating us. We politely converse, and everyone jumps when the speakers squeak. Mark and I are called to the middle of the dance floor for our first dance. We hold each other and sway back and forth as the song "Perfect" by Ed Sheeran starts to play. (If you want you can start playing it as you read this.)

I rest my head on Mark's shoulder as he holds me close. "You look really handsome tonight, by the way." Mark comments which makes me blush.

"I love you," I tell him, even though I already know he knows.

"I love you, too. Always," Mark and I continue to dance as everyone watches us, and I can't help but realize how perfect everything is.

And it all started with Hotel Room #239.



#Septiplier Forever

Xoxo, Alli

Hotel Room #239Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora