~Good Times~

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The bright sunlit flowed into the room, making me groan in protest. I sucked in a breath, rolling over to cover my eyes with my pillow.

Dammit, I forgot to shut the blinds.

I flopped my body around again to reach up and draw the blinds down, when I saw a muscular body lying next to me.

Since I had only been up for a few seconds, I did not recognize the man, but my stomach did a flip. I rubbed my head until my memory came around and I realized who it was.

"Mark!" I hissed, falling out of my bed, completely stunned. Mark's body twitched and he rolled over, his eyes settling on me.

"Jack?" Mark asked, sounding confused. He rubbed his eyes, yawning and stretching. He looked so flawless in the morning, as he did all the time. The light illuminated his figure, making me almost drool.

"Oh, my God. Jack!" Mark scrambled, quickly checking under the sheets to make sure he still had clothes on. I was grateful that he did.

"What're ye doin' in me bed?" I asked, my Irish accent a lot stronger in the morning. Mark visibly shivered in front of me, making me concerned. "Are ya cold?"

"Oh, no. It's, um..." When Mark didn't finish his sentence, I let myself hope that maybe, just maybe, I was the cause of that shiver. It was wishful thinking, I know, but it did put me in a better mood.

"So, uh..." I slowly crawled back onto my bed, after handing Mark a sweatshirt I owned. He didn't look too comfortable half naked in front of me. I also threw on a long sleeved shirt. "What are ye doin' in me bed?" I asked again, but softer this time.

Various emotions flashed in Mark's eyes, but I couldn't pin any of them down. It was like nothing I had ever seen before.

"All I remember is recording Joy of Creation and being scared shitless," Mark chuckled, raking a hand through his hair. Oh, how I yearned to do the same.

"Oh, how was it? I've been meaning to try it," I asked a little too chirpy. I sat up straighter, my eyes brightening.

"It was pretty good. Very scary," Mark smirked, squeezing my side playfully. I yelped, jerking in my spot. After I settled, I softly nudged Mark's side, making him smile brighter.

"I guess I came in after, too scared to sleep alone," Mark explained. I nodded my head, understanding. I didn't like sleeping alone myself much either.

I checked the time, seeing it was already twelve in the afternoon. "Do you want to go get lunch? There's a place I think you'll like," I inquired, standing up to go get ready.

"Yeah, I'd like that," Mark replied, making me smile goofily at him.

Let the good times commence.


"No, really. It came out of his nose," Mark insisted, making me almost gag. But I always laughed super hard. He laughed back, making me laugh harder until I could barely breathe.

We had gone to a local hamburger restaurant--one of my favorites. And apparently it left the same impression on Mark.

The waitress came back to give us our check. We both split the bill, because we're civilized men like that.

"OMG! Septiplier!" Someone shrieked as they walked by. Aaand we've been spotted. Great. Can't I just spend some alone time with my boyfri--I mean *cough* friend?

"Can I get a picture?" A girl asked us, and we couldn't say no. After a long photoshoot, we got around to giving the waitress back the paid bill. We left immediately after, not wanting to be spotted again.

"Man, that was crazy," Mark commented, and I nodded fiercely at him.

"Tell me about it. That girl almost ripped me shirt off!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands everywhere in expression.

Mark muttered something that sounded like, "I wouldn't mind," which made me blush.

"Since we're out, do you want to go do something? We could go bowling?" I asked him, hoping he'd say yes. He turned to me, smiling, and I knew my outcome was good.




The pins knocked down easily, making me look at Mark with wide eyes. This was his third spare in a row--how is that even possible?! I'd never even gotten a spare in my life.

"How?" I asked, my mouth gaped open in awe. Mark merely shrugged his shoulders, smirking at me as he rested against a wall.

"It's all in the wrist, baby," Mark winked, making me become flustered. Oh my.

"Here, let me show you," Mark waved me over. I grabbed my ball, following him to the start of the lane.

"Hold your ball like this," Mark explained, standing behind me as his arm came around me and his hand set on top of mine. My heart rate spiked, making me nearly drop the ball. Thank God Mark was holding it with me.

"Now, pull back, like this," He helped me draw the ball back. "And swing!" He forcefully plunged the ball forward, smacking against the floor. The ball zipped down the alley, making perfect contact with the pins and knocking them all down.

"Wow, that was incredible!" I exclaimed, turning my head to the side. Mark's head was basically resting on my shoulder, making me draw in a breath.

"You got a strike," Mark mumbled, and my mouth went dry. I could make out every single tiny hair of his beard, and it was driving me mad.

"Yeah," I answered breathlessly, my lips a few centimeters from his. I could feel his breath against my lips

The sound of a ball clanking against the ground drew us out of our trance. We immediately pulled away from each other. I cleared my throat awkwardly, looking away.

"So, um, want to film a collab together when we get back to yours?" Mark asked, twiddling his thumbs. I smiled at how adorable he looked, my heart melting.

"Yeah, I'd like that."


woo ive written two chapters (different books) in one night im so amazing.

ugh just kiss already i mean SEPTIPLIER amiright?

i think my fave part of this chapter was the fangirl. she was me. 😂

Xoxo, Alli

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