Chapter Nine: Life Long Hospital Stay

Start from the beginning

Gerard continued and cry and sniffle, completely defenseless against the people surrounding him. He can't even tell them all no. He was entirely powerless over his own deteriorating body. Once the tube was extracted, Gerard's vitals were assessed. The medical workers talked to each other in jargon Gerard didn't understand. He mumbled, unable to ask where Frank and Mikey are at. He also wanted to ask what the hell happened to him, but the only thing that can escape from his lips are incomprehensible utters and gags. Soon, the staff left, leaving just Gerard and Dr. Urie.

"Your brother and caregiver should be here soon. It was, pardon my French, hell to get them to leave this room at all,"

"Where are they?" is what Gerard wanted to ask, but for the life of him, he just couldn't get it out. Frustrated, he screamed, begging the doctor to hear him and acknowledge his agitation.

"Gerard, calm down. They will be here soon," Dr. Urie said. Gerard ignored his doctor's orders, unable to calm himself from his state of distress as he growled and groaned for both his brother and caregiver.

"Gerard, if you do not stop, we will have to sedate you, and then you will be asleep again for a bit," Dr. Urie said firmly. Gerard did just that, hushing up. That didn't stop the tears that ran down his eyes, though.

"I'm sorry to scare you, Gerard...but I need you to chill out a bit. Just stay calm and everything will be explained,"

Unable to protest any further, Gerard stayed silent, his sniffles and quiet sobs being the only thing uttered from his lips.

_ _ _

Frank probably should have gotten that ticket, but the cop believed he was on his way to the hospital for an emergency, and he was in scrubs, so whatever. He pulled into the parking lot and jumped out of the car. He ran in the door to the elevator and crashed into someone.


"Georgia, Mikey,"

"Oh, I glad to see you," Mikey smiled, relieved.

"Come on, let's get up there," Frank said. Together, Frank, Mikey, and Georgia all hopped on to the elevator and made their way up to the fourth floor, where Gerard awaited their return. They made it to Gerard's room, where they were all greeted by Dr. Urie. He kept his glance distant and away from Frank, who clearly had not forgotten about what happened the other day in Gerard's room.

"Hello, everyone. As you all know, Gerard is finally awake," he said.

"Hey doc, I wanted to thank you for, forcing me to leave. It really was a good thing," Frank replied. Dr. Urie smiled at him.

"Yeah, well I only used security cause if I did it any other way, you would have not listened,"

"It's so true," Frank laughed. He turned to Gerard. "Hey, Gee. I know you can't talk, but...I'm glad to see you awake,"

Gerard smiled up at him, trying his damndest to tell him how much he misses him, but of course, all he could utter were a series of moans and mumbles.

"Alright, so you are all here," Dr. Urie said, grabbing the group's attention. "Let's discuss what is going to happen next,"

"We're ready, doc," Mikey replied reluctantly, taking his brother's limp hand and holding it tight, his own hand shaking.

"So a little over a week ago, Gerard had a seizure in the middle of the night. The brain activity that we discovered has rendered him without a voice and very little muscle movement,"

"What about eating? Will he be stuck being tube-fed?" Mikey asked shakily.
"Unfortunately...that answer is yes," Dr. Urie sighed.

"That means he'll have to have a G-tube inserted in his stomach...which requires surgery...," Mikey replied. Beside him, Gerard twitched and whined, clinging onto his baby brother for his dear life.

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