The Aria

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When days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to months, the frightful day had finally arrived.
The prince dismissed his staff midday, and right when he snapped for them to leave - they ran down to their quarters. Upon arriving there, all the male servants waited outside of Mrs. Potts room, while their female coworkers easily entered. They all knew better then to just barge in, for that would be rude.
As minutes slowly turned into hours, the woman's screaming did alert the men, but they knew she'd be able to handle it.
The men sat down, staring at one another and cringed each time Mrs. Potts could be heard screaming. But their nerves soon were calmed after a few hours when they finally heard the wailing of an infant. They were also relieved after they could hear Mrs. Potts' voice, because in the village, most woman would die during childbirth, and knowing their friend made it out fine eased them.

Once Beatrice was decently covered, the men were allowed in the room. It wasn't a pleasant sight - but it wasn't a bad one either. Seeing the young woman and her newborn son was awing, but to see how tired she had gotten was understandable. The small child's wailing was ear piercingly loud as he was wrapped up in a wool blanket and handed over to his mother.
After being placed on his mothers chest, and being able to hear the familiar heartbeat - he soon calmed down, but he still teared and whimpered due to the coldness of the servants quarters.

"Beatrice.....he's beautiful." Cogsworth was the first to speak as a warm smile crossed the mans face. It was rare for Cogsworth to smile at children - not having, nor wanting any himself. They simply got off his nerves.

"You did a phenomenal job, mon ami." Madame Garderobe complimented as she sat beside Mrs. Potts' bed.

"You look exhausted." Cadenza stated, and got a bit of an odd look from a few of the other servants. Of course she was exhausted!

After a few more hours of recuperating, Mrs. Potts was still debating on a name for her young son as Plumette attempted to make the woman a cup of tea.

"What's about Charles?"
"Johnathon?" The staffs voices overlapped as they all called out names to Mrs. Potts as she carefully took the teacup with her free hand as she held her sleeping child in the other. She then was brought back by the teacup cracking a small bit when she took a sip, causing a few drops to drip onto her blouse. After setting the teacup down and taking the broken chip of the cup out of her mouth, she couldn't help but chuckle.

"Well that's another chipped glass." She murmured as she wiped her chin off with her sleeve before her eyes widened a small bit. "That's it." She spoked, grabbing some staff members attention - thinking she had chosen one of the many names they had suggested to her beforehand.

"His name is Chip." Mrs. Potts chuckled as she moved her sons position from her arm, and into both of her hands as she placed a soft kiss onto his forehead.


"Chip. His name is Chip." Mrs. Potts couldn't help but nuzzle her son softly as the other staff members stared at one another.

"Is she serious?" Cogsworth asked in a whisper to Lumiére; who simply shrugged and replied;
"Whatever she likes. She did do all the work."

As the first few days of having a newborn child passed, the prince clearly was very irritated by the loud crying that came from the servants quarters nearly every hour. But he had to hold himself. He was going to allow Mrs. Potts to be happy - to an extent.
He congratulated the woman, and was introduced to the child.
He had to admit, he was very cute. But because of his temper, the staff did think he was only just saying that.

The prince never complained about the child. He had only complained one time, and it was when Mrs. Potts was late to help prepare dinner because she needed to feed Chip. But besides that, he never opened his mouth. He knew better than to do that.

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