
The car comes to a stop signifying we're at the church. We all get down from the car as we get into the half filled church.

The groom's men were here already and they were seated on the front row as we join them since that area is reserved for the people to accompany the groom and bride. Right now, I can't wait for this wedding to get started.


It's time for the best part of the event- well, apart from the reception of course. The groom as well as his own groom's men are right behind him on the altar as the main entrance door of the church was closed. Mia is with her uncle who is her mum's first brother since her mum is single. They are in front of the line made of the ringbearer, little bridesmaid and groom, brides maids and so on.

Soon enough, the pianist begins playing the tune of 'here comes the bride' as the door opens and people start standing. Mia walks down the aisle, her hand linked with her uncle's; I can imagine the crooked grin on her face this moment as her eyes are trained on James the whole time. I really admire how much they love each other or should I say, adore each other.

We soon reach where James stands grinning from ear to ear with his groom's men; his eyes fixed on Mia and only her. Mr Don, Mia's uncle, plants a kiss on her forehead as he whispers something to her hearing before letting her go. She instantly climbs the platform as she stares at James with a grin. From he look on the priest's face, he also admires how much they are obviously in love.

It's time for them to make their vows as James starts. He takes a hold of Mia's hands as he gives them a gentle squeeze, his eyes fixated on hers.

"Mia Storm, I promise to be your lover, companion and greatest friend, your partner in parenting, your ally in conflict, our greatest fan and your toughest adversary, your comrade in adventure, your student and your teacher, your consolation in disappointment, your accomplice in mischief. This is my sacred vow to you, my equal in all things and my everything." He finishes as his eyes glisten in adoration.

Mia's throat bobbed as she tries to hold back tears. "James Lockworth, on this day, I give you my heart, my promise, that I will walk with you, hand in hand, wherever our journey leads us, living, learning and loving together. I take you to be my partner for life, I promise above all else to live in truth with you, and to communicate fully and fearlessly, I give you my hand and my heart as a sanctuary of warmth and peace. And pledge my love, devotion, faith and honor, as I join my life to yours forever." She finishes with a grin as the tears were now pouring down her face. Momentarily, a tear rolls down my face and I wipe it away.

I swear this girl must be my twin in another dimension.

There are some 'awns' here and there, as everyone claps and cheers.

"Do you Mia Storm, take James Lockworth as your lawfully wedded husband; in sickness and in health, richness and in poverty, in failure and in success, in happiness and in sadness, till death do you part?" The priest asks Mia.

"I do." She replies without any waste of time which earns some chuckles from the crowd. She takes one of the rings from the glass box after the ring bearer moved closer, and slides it into the marriage finger of James' left hand.

"Do you James Lockworth, take Mia Storm to be your lawfully wedded wife; in sickness and in health, in richness and in poverty, in failure and in success, in happiness and in sadness, till death do you part?" The priest asked again, though this time referring to James.

"Yes, I do." He answers as he gives Mia's hands another squeeze, sliding the ring through her finger and kissing it.

"Through our Lord, Jesus Christ who has brought you two forth on his altar, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Swiftly, James closes the distance between them as he cups Mia's cheeks while whispering something which made the corner of her eyes crinkle in amusement. He captures her lips in a long lasting kiss. Abruptly, every single soul in the church stands as we all clap, whistle and some take pictures and videos in ecstasy.

It was really about time these two tied the knot and I could never be more happier for my bestie, Mia Lockworth...

Woohooooo!!!! It happened, finally!!! Oh my God, I had a major hard time writing this- well because I'm still a teenager and I do not plan on getting married soon so yes, this was pretty tough. But then, I did it! And I couldn't be anymore proud of myself, yay! I'm hoping it's good enough for you guys though. If it is, don't forget to vote and comment on your sweetest/ most heartfelt moment...

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