Teen Titans: The Judas Contract Review

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OK SO PEOPLE I JUST WATCHED TEEN TITANS THE JUDAD CONTRACT AND JUST... HOLY CRAP. It was so good! It was pretty respectful to the comic and I think they nailed it!

Now, even though this story was my take on what happens after Justice League Vs. Teen Titans, Judas Contract is what actually happened. I'm not deleting the story.

They did so many things right with it!


Jericho at the end! DAMN! And Donna Troy! WHOA! And that scene with Beast Boy holding Terra's dead body and crying! CHILLS!

I loved how they did the characters way more in this movie then the last.

Damian acted more like a leader, even though he's not. He was also very focused and intense, but still a team player and not a jerk.

Raven was much quieter, which suits her character more. Even though she was the main focus last movie, she talked a lot.

Dick and Kori had the perfect relationship. They nailed it. I really loved the part where Dick is like, "Let's do the move we were working on," and Kori's like, "Dick, I don't know if we should do it here," XD that killed me.

Also, I loved how big of a role Dick had in this movie. He is a very important titan and is an amazing character. But I am happy they kept Kori as leader.

Then, Jaime in this movie was stop on. We didn't really explore his character in the last movie, but he was awesome in this one. Seeing his family and how they felt about the scarab. Also him having a crush on that girl was really sweet. I loved when he felt intense emotions for her and then the scarab freaked out because it thought Jaime was in danger.

Beast Boy was awesome in this movie. He was much more upbeat then the last movie and had a much bigger part. His interactions with Terra were spot on, and the ending with him talking to Kevin Smith killed me.

Terra... I don't know. I loved her in the first half of the movie, seeing her with the Titans. Not forming any close relationships and kinda losing it at times. But... she was creepy in the second half. I know that's the point of her character... a teenager dating a 50 year old... but still... it was still creepy.

The kidnapping section was my favorite. First Damian, who was spying on Terra. I loved what Damian said to her. (Don't ship then though I ship Damian and Raven... don't kill me pls. Sorry, I ship Terra with Beast Boy. Even though I don't mind Beast Boy and Raven.) Then Jaime getting the electric chair (like Cyborg), Beast Boy getting hit with poisonous darts, Starfire with the gift and Terra attacking Raven at the tower.

And then... probably the best scene... Dick Vs. Deathstroke. Him jumping out the window. Then him fighting with a dislocated hand... it was awesome. He pretended to get shot, then crawled out of the water, and removed the wood from his chest with the bullet on it. Then he slammed his hand into a wall, relocating it. It was so badass.

The only problem I had with the movie was the end. The Brother Blood boss battle. I honestly think it was kinda stupid. The Damian and Dick Vs. Deathstroke fight was cool though.

Overall, I thought it was a badass movie. 10/10, and can't wait to see what come next.

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