Starfire Chapter 15

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"There are lots of Earths. If you're wondering, you'll learn about it more in 2019. Anyway, with these Earths, they just can't be seen from our location. Anyway, this guy named the Anti-Monitor tried to smash all the Earths into one, Prime Earth. Heroes from all different Earth's began to fight off the Anti-Monitor, but in the process, many died. In the long-run, Flash was the one who died giving the final blow to the Anti-Monitor."

"So... You know who dies..."

"Yeah. It feels weird running and looking at heroes and knowing when they die and how they die..."

"Do I die?" I ask immediately. Bart looks at me.

"Well, everyone dies," Bart smirked. I gave him a look, "ok, sorry. Yeah... You die... But not from Infinite Crisis..."

"Go on," I told him.

"Before the crisis..."


"Okay! Jeez, chill. You die... Wait... I can't tell you-"


"Telling you how you die could disrupt the timeline! I've already said too much! Please, don't make me continue!" Bart said as he began to whimper. Bart began to cry. A bit of an over-reaction, but to be fair, he only looked like he was about 8, 9 tops... And counting.

I flew down to Bart, "it's okay. I didn't mean to overwork you."

"It's... It's... It's this whole aging thing... It makes me feel sick... That's why I like running. Because I feel like a feather, and the pain just goes away..." Bart said. I hugged him the best I could.

"I don't know how I can help you, but, maybe the Flash can help you!" I did my best to sound confident.

"Really?" Bart began to smile and shot right up.

"I'll do my best. I'll go contact S.T.A.R. Labs."

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