Chapter 21 Suspicions

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Dick headed over to the computer, "do we have any clues?"

Everyone, besides Terra, looked at him with a blank expression.

"Me," Terra blurted out confidently.

"You?" Damian asked suspiciously.

"There are tools all over my suit," Terra responded.

"So we use her tools to find the evidence," Raven said as everyone jumped, "I just woke up... And seems like everyone's here, but now including Wally West, Terra and Dick Grayson."

"Sup," Wally replied.

Raven headed over to Damian and Starfire. Jaime headed over to Beast Boy as Terra walked away from Beast Boy and up to the computer, quickly taking off gadget after gadget off while Dick scanned each one.

"Okay, Terra and Dick are occupied at the moment, so Team, clean up anything you can after the last mass destruction," Starfire ordered.

"Didn't Terra cause this?" Damian asked as he glared at Terra and crossed his arms.

"She doesn't remember, Damian. And I'm sure it's not her fault," Garfield argued back at him.

"How do you know she doesn't remember?"

"I have no idea! But I trust her!" Garfield argued as he pointed at Terra.

"How can you trust her! We all know she worked for Deathstroke!"

"What do you have against her?! For all we know she may have been kidnapped and brainwashed! And at the same time for all we know she might've asked for a job application!"

"Shut up!" Raven yelled out of anger, "neither of you are right! Damian, stop accusing her when we barely know her! Garfield, think it through more! I know she's your friend from childhood but she was working with the enemy!"

The Team stared at Raven in surprise.

"Deathstroke is pulling us apart," Starfire said, "maybe we should just move on. I mean, we have no idea what he was planning to do anyway."

Damian ignored her and headed outside and began to pick up leftover rubble and glass.

"I'll go talk to him," Starfire said.

Starfire headed outside and stood next to Robin. Starfire gave him a look.

"What?" He asked in annoyance.

"What was that about?"

"I have no trust in Terra. She is an enemy. She is the enemy. And she doesn't belong here. She stays or I stay."

"I'm not going to make that choice Damian."

"Then I'll make it for you," Damian told Starfire as he walked off...

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