Starfire Chapter 7

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Anywhere. He could be anywhere!

Everything looked the same! Road after road after road! It looked like the same intersection everywhere! I flew passed the roads, and everyone stared at me. But I don't care. Damian needs to be found before something horrible happens!


I turned as something blue flew past me. Fast. The weird thing was something white and red began to run behind it. I pulled out my foot as the color stopped and fell.

"OW!" It said as it turned around. It was a boy, "why did you do that girly?"

"Way to refer to someone!" I crossed my arms, "don't call me girly. What the hell are you doing?"

I examined him, "Never seen a kid speedster before."

"Try showing less skin next time," the boy smiled as he began to run again. He was related to the Flash, I think. I focused my energy and shot a spark of green plasma at the speedster. He fell again.

"STOP!" I yelled at him, "what are you doing?!"

"Trying to get Blue Beetle!"

"Blue... Beetle?"

How could he be chasing Jaime when I just saw and left him at Titans tower?

"He's evil! I need to stop him before it's too late!"

I didn't understand, "what do you mean he's evil? You must have the wrong Blue Beetle."

"He's evil where I come from."

"And where's that?" I quickly asked back.

"My time," the boy said briefly.

"Your time? What do you mean your time?"

"My name is Bart Allen. I came here in pursuit of Blue Beetle, who in my time has taken over the world. And at the same time, to get help for my quickly aging body." I looked at Bart and processed the information he had given me. I looked at him closely again as I saw him grow a few inches and his hair become more a dark brown rather then dark orange.

"See?" he said.

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