I went over and sat down next to her stretching my legs out.

"Okay, I'm not a open person but I think you deserve that much. Whatever I tell you can't leave this room."

"Not the type of nigga to run his mouth, don't tell me no information you don't trust me with."

"Okay, last night you asked where my black eyes came from and I told you lack of sleep. Well I lied my mother did that." I shook my head. "My mother been physically beating my ass like I'm a female off the street for a few years now."

"Why you didn't hit her ass back ? Or leave ?"

"After all I been through with her I still had respect for her so I never raised my hand to hit her back and she took full advantage of that. Diamond would ask me to leave all the time but I just couldn't she would tell me I couldn't leave her house so I just stayed. Believe it or not me leaving last night was the first day."

This whole time I thought a nigga was dogging her out but it was her own mother that's some sick shit.

"Did her nigga ever you know touch on you ?"

"No, No he always tried to get into my room after my mother passed out but my door was always locked. Last night I just couldn't do it any longer."

"That's some wild fucked up shit, so what's your plan now ? I hope you don't go back you out now stay out."

"Guess I got to start from the bottom again, I know she won't allow me back into her house to get my things. I don't know."

She kept pulling her shirt down over some cuts on her wrist I been peeped out.

"Not a big fan on police but take them to her house she going to have to give you everything that belongs to you. One you been living there over 60 days and you have mail coming there that's considered your house and you have all rights to your belongings."

"Ima do that one day this week, I'll have Diamond take me over there."

"What about your living plans."

"I don't know, I'll have to use my college money to move into my own apartment."

"Don't do that, you can stay in my guess room. Just look at it like you renting out my room for free until you get on your feet."

"No Jay, you have done to much already I need to get it together, women up and take care of myself."

"You can do all that when you are fully on your two feet Khloe. Don't mess up all the money you put into college for a apartment right now. Don't nobody have to know you staying here."

"Okay you don't have a girlfriend ? That may come by and see me in your house."

"Besides my mother you the only other person who been here."

"Wow, are you serious ?"

"Yeah man I don't believe in showing everybody where I stay. The only reason you seem it because you put it all together."

"So you don't have a girlfriend?" She asked her same question again.

"Nah, been single for almost three years. You got a nigga ?"

"Nope." She said popping the P. "Never had a boyfriend in my life."

That mean she was a virgin I already had a feeling she was but she could've fucked a nigga without a tittle.

Beating The OddsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora