Chapter Eight

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Morning came early the following day. I walked out of the room that I had been using as temporary living quarters and made my way down to the lobby. The others were already there, lounging around on the couches that littered the room. "Morning, guys," I said with a small smile. "Are we ready to get going?"

Celina nodded and pulled us all into the nearby restroom. She yanked her dagger out from her sleeve and sliced it through the air. A rift was created and she smiled. "Alright. We're going to Argentina now. There's somebody in a small town on the outskirts of the country who has magic. We're going to need her help if we want to take down Hakate anytime soon," Celina explained. 

We walked through the rift. When we came out, we were in the basement of a small house. I looked around with a frown. "Why are we inside of a house?" I found myself asking. 

"This is the house of the person we need to be speaking with," Celina explained. "I've been doing my research lately, and if I'm correct, then we'll just be heading out of this room and into the bedroom of another one of our Pure mages."

We did as Celina instructed and walked from the room. A door was nearby. I gently rapped my fingers up against it. "Come in," came a timid voice from inside. It sounded quiet and almost like the person who had spoken was singing to us lightly. 

Celina walked into the room. Arianna, Corrine, and I followed after her a few feet behind. The girl sitting inside of the room didn't seem all that surprised. She was typing on a laptop and listening to music through small earbuds. 

The girl had dark brown hair that fell down her back in small waves. Her eyes were a bright blue. She wore a blue dress with thin sleeves. The dress was pale. The belt around her waist was a deeper blue. She had white tights on with black flats on her feet. Something about her seemed a bit mysterious in a way, but I dared not mention it. 

"You're not freaking out," frowned Corrine. "Most people are freaked out when random people show up at their doors. Are you not like that or something?"

The girl shook her head slowly. "No... I'm normally frightened, but I know who you are and why you're here," she explained. "My name is Viveca and you all are the Pure mages who are here to gain my trust."

Viveca pulled out her earbuds and met my eyes. Something about her made me relax instantly. I felt my shoulders go less tense just looking into her ocean colored irises. The others seemed to have this sort of thought as well. 

"Ah. You all look rather tired," Viveca said gently, her voice quiet. "I apologize. I tend to have that effect on people. I relax them all with just a simple glance."

"What's your power?" Celina asked. "I know that some magic categories can relax people easily."

Viveca closed her eyes for a moment and then reached out her right hand. A cup on the other side of the room, which was sitting atop a small brown table tipped over. Water spilled out over the table that the cup sat upon, but the girl didn't seem alarmed. Instead, she twisted her hand gently and water curled up around what seemed to be nothingness. Viveca moved her fingers slightly and the water flowed over to her. Viveca opened her eyes and wrapped the water around her hand. 

"So you have water based abilities... We're probably not going to be getting along all that well," said Corinne with a frown. She snapped and summoned a small spark. She extinguished the flame mere seconds later, looking at Viveca. "You know how things go. Fire and water don't get along all that well."

Viveca shrugged. "I believe that we can be friends either way. I don't like to push people away based on stereotypes such as fire and water disliking once another," she said. "Let's instead do our best to get along and fulfill our destiny of defeating Hakate."

"I just have one question, if it's alright for me to ask it," I cut in, staring at Viveca with a small frown. "I don't mean to intrude, but... I think it's rather important."

Viveca tilted her head. "You aren't intruding. Just go on and ask the question. Nobody here will judge you in this nice and accepting environment."

"How were you able to know that we were coming? I don't think that anybody would know that we were arriving soon normally. You guys know more about magic than I do, so it probably sounds ridiculous, but there's no harm in asking a question or two, right?" I asked. 

Viveca formed the water in her hand into a thin sheet. "If I look into water at certain points in time, I can see the future. It needs to be exactly the minute on the hour, such as exactly one o'clock, but I can still see a few things," Viveca explained. "In about five minutes, I'll be able to have another vision... Hopefully, I'll see something useful that will aid us in our fight against Hakate in the near future."

"Don't stress it if you don't. There are other times to see the future, after all," Celina pointed out. "We need you to come with us, Viveca. We're going to find the other Pure mages and put an end to Hakate and their reign of terror over this world once and for all."

"I agree. Hopefully, we'll be able to do it soon. I don't like having a terrible evil out there in the world. It makes me feel uneasy as heck," Corinne admitted. "Just don't tell anybody that I said that."

Suddenly, Viveca gasped. "It's happening," she whispered. "The vision is coming. Everybody quiet. I need to hear this. I may never get the chance to again, so we need to stay silent."


I read a fan fiction and expected some quality TK content but you know what I got instead????

A bunch of stuff I didn't understand at all


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