Chapter Six

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Celina's weird news about the leader thing left me more than a little bit confused. My head was starting to spin from confusion. Up until this point, I was thinking that I was keeping all of this straight relatively well. But the concept of being a leader because your blood is a certain color? That flew right over my head and left me overly lost.

I chose to let it go and shook my head. "Should we be looking for the next person? We don't have time to be talking about leadership when we only have three people out of the large group," I told them.

Celina shrugged. "That's a good point." She pulled out her dagger before turning to Corinne. "Uh... You stay here for now. You should probably change out of that swim suit. Chances are we'll be away for quite some time, and I'm not sure that the citizens of our next country, England, are entirely going to appreciate a girl walking around in nothing but a swimsuit."

"England is our next country?" I asked. "That sounds pretty interesting."

"You guys go on and find this next Pure mage. Come back and pick me up after you're done, okay?" Corinne asked, placing her hands on her hips and tilting her head to the side slightly to question that we for sure understood her request.

"Alright," nodded Celina. She twirled her dagger over a few times and then cut it through the air. "Come on, Renee. We have things to do."

We stepped into the rift that she had made and looked around once we were in our new surroundings. Everything here was way different than Australia. The streets were dark and rainy. I was hit with an onslaught of water the second that I existed the rift in an alleyway. My already drenched kimono was covered even further with water seconds later. "Am I doomed to be wet this entire time?" I asked bitterly under my breath. I shook my head to get rid of the water that covered my head.

"Don't worry. We won't be spending too much time here. If my plans are accurate, we should only be here for about fifteen minutes. The girl that we're looking for is the daughter of a hotel owner. She should be within the hotel near the front area helping out, so this won't take long," Celina told me. She tucked her dagger away once again and walked away. I trailed after her, doing my best not to slip on the shiny and wet ground.

Celina took me to a hotel about a block away. She was rather sure about where she was going, which I was happy for. It didn't rain much back home, but when it did, I usually had an umbrella to use so that I wouldn't be covered in rainwater. I hated being so wet when I wasn't prepared for it. Water was sloshing around in my shoes, which is my least favorite sensation to deal with ever. It makes me feel all weird walking on the small surface of water that shouldn't be there.

Celina opened the door and I walked through. I squeezed out my buns on the rug that was just on the inside of the door. I sighed as the water traveled down my neck. A shudder ran up and down my spine. I hated this almost as much as I hated having water on the inside of my sandals. If you couldn't already tell, rain and I do not get along in any way, shape, or form. I hate it, as a matter of fact.

Soon enough, I had rid myself of all the water that I could escape at that moment in time. Celina had done the same a few feet away. Once she was done, she stepped off of the welcome rug and walked into the building further. She approached the front desk. A young lady was standing there. She looked up when Celina drew near.

She had red hair that reached her elbows in curls. Her eyes were green and freckles came in plentiful numbers that spotted her cheeks. She wore a green jacket on top of a shirt that was a different shape of green and a teal scarf around her neck. She had jeans on with green boots. The girl had her hair tied up into a ponytail. Her locks were slightly damp. A pink and green polka dot umbrella was next to her behind the counter. It wasn't wet, so I assumed that she had been out in the elements for a while, but she had been out recently enough that her ponytail was still damp, so I guessed an hour or two had passed since she arrived.

Celina rang the bell on the desk, which made the girl look up from her work of writing in a notebook. She gasped slightly and smiled at Celina. "Hello there," the girl said in a soft and sweet voice. "How may I help you?" Her accent was heavily English, which made her seem even more formal than she appeared to be.

"Your name," Celina began, "what is it? It's of vital importance."

The girl continued to smile as she replied. "It's Arianna Lynch. Who might you two be? Are you here to rent out a room?"

I shook my head. "Actually..." I started to say. I turned to Celina so that she could finish off telling this story.

"We're here to talk to you about magic," Celina whispered, leaning over the counter so that Arianna could hear her.

Arianna gasped gently. She turned over her shoulder and cupped her hands around her mouth. "I'm going on break, Mum!" Arianna cried. She gestured for us to follow her as she stepped out from her place behind the counter. "Right this way, young ladies. I've been waiting for this day. We need to have a talk in the break room so that we aren't disturbed by any other parties."


Two updates done so far four more to go I think I can do this

Tomorrow I'll make up Philia's free time events since I'll only be updating two chapters and not six

I think anyways

Who knows



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