Chapter One

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The sun rose early that February day. I sprung out of my bed the second that the light came streaming in through my window, a grin wide on my face.

I found myself dancing over to the mirror in my bathroom, staring my reflection down. My black hair was messy since I had just woken up, so I made the decision to tie it up into twin buns. My dark eyes shifted to the wall where my pink kimono hung from a rack.

A smile crossed my lips as I changed into it. I tied the sash around my waist, looking to my mirror with a smile. "Happy birthday to me," I whispered to myself, flattening out the wrinkles in my kimono.

My feet made barely a sound as I made my way down the stairs into the kitchen of my family's house. "Morning, Mom," I declared as I walked for the kitchen table.

My mom turned to me, her black hair glistening in the gentle light of the room. "Good morning, Ren," she said.

I cringed slightly. "Mom, you know that I prefer to go by Renee," I told her, trying not to sound too overly bitter.

"I know. You claim it makes you sound more hip and popular," Mom said, returning to her stirring of the soup on the stove before her. "It's just like you to say things like that..."

I grinned and sat at the table. I reached for one of the fruit in the carefully woven basket at the table's center. Taking a bite of the apple, I turned to my mom. "You know what today is, right?" I asked her.

Mom slowly nodded. "Yes. I know. It's Saturday."

A sigh escaped my lips. "Mom..." I scolded her.

She laughed. "I know what today really is," she said, eyes lighting up.

"What is it then?" I challenged, tapping my fingers against the table gently.

"Your birthday."

"Finally you say something about it!" I exclaimed, finishing up the apple in my hand. "I was afraid you'd forgotten!"

"How could I forget? My little baby is going to be sixteen today," Mom said with a light smile. She walked over to me after turning off the stove. She pecked me on the forehead, making me blush slightly. I always got flustered when receiving a kiss from her.

"What's the plan for today?" I asked, staring at her eagerly.

"I was thinking I'd give you a little bit of money and let you go and spend your day on the town," Mom told me, returning to her soup. She poured it into a bowl before carrying it to the table and setting it down.

"Sounds good to me!" I exclaimed. I grabbed a banana and devoured it in about two minutes.

Mom reached for her purse and passed over some money with a smile. "Have a nice day, sweetie," she told me. Mom stood and kissed me on the forehead once more.

"I will!" I cried, getting to my feet. I tossed the apple core and banana peel into the trashcan and skipped for the door.

I slid the door open and walked out onto the empty patio. I sighed lightly from pure happiness before pulling on my sandals.

Before I could get much farther, I heard a small whirring noise. I glanced around in hopes of figuring out where it was coming from, but to no avail. I frowned and began taking a few steps in each direction.

Soon enough, I had realized that the sound was coming from the basement of my house. I had never been down there. Most of the time, the door was locked, Mom having the key. I didn't know why she never allowed me down there, but I assumed it had something to do with my father. She always told me that the basement sort of reminded her of him, and we didn't like to think about him since he left us when I was two. Do you blame us for wanting to avoid the terrible memories he brings?

Deep down, I knew I shouldn't be going down there, but something else told me that there was no harm in it. Besides, if Mom didn't know, she couldn't get mad at me or anything like that. And if it did have something to do with my father, I had a right to know, didn't I?

I slowly crept towards the basement. I had forgotten about one little fact. How was I supposed to get in if the door was locked like it always was? That posed a bit of a problem.

I stepped closer regardless and brushed my hand against the door to the basement. There had to be some way to get in...

I felt my finger hit something, making me cry out in pain ever so slightly. I shook my hand to and fro in hopes of that alleviating the ache that had formed in my pointer finger, but to no avail.

Looking down, I realized that my finger was bleeding. "Ow..." I muttered, biting my lip lightly. Here's hoping I don't make that bleed too...

When I glanced back up at the door, I noticed that something was wrong. It was starting to tremble before sliding open. I heard a clink as something dropped to the floor.

It was the lock. I had just made the lock fall off of the door. How in the world did I do that?

Either way, I chose not to give it much thought for now. I started walking through the door, trying to be quiet so as not to attract Mom's attention.

Once I was inside, the door shut behind me. It had done so all on its own, making a shiver run up and down my spine. I gulped and stepped forward.

In the center of the room was a large statue made of pink stone. The statue was of a woman with long hair. She held a pink sphere of energy.

I looked around the statue to see all sorts of high tech machines hooked up to the statue, each one glowing blue. They seemed to be drawing power away from the pink sphere at the center of the statue, making me gasp.

"What is this...?" I asked, taking a step away from the statue. I held my hands up to my mouth to hopefully suppress any scream that might have been bubbling up inside of me.

As my fingers touched the area above my mouth, I could feel something wet. I remembered my bleeding finger and pulled my hands back, but when I did, I saw something I never expected.

Instead of seeing the red blood I had expected, I saw a bright pink.

My blood was now pink.

My blood was now pink and I didn't know why.







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