"Yeah sure." Zack nodded and patted his back before walking back to his seat.

Luke smiled over at Michael and intertwined his hand with Michaels. Michael turned his body and laid his head against Luke's shoulder and then continued softly snoring. Luke laid his head on top of Michaels head and closed his eyes.


"That was the longest flight ever." Michael complained as they walked off the plane. Luke had his arm wrapped over Michaels shoulders and laughed.

"Cuddling with you made it go quick." Michael blushed at Luke's words. They did spend ninety percent of the flight just cuddling with each other. It did make time go a lot quicker too.

They immediately grabbed their luggage and made their way out of the airport and called an uber. It only took seconds for the uber to arrive.

"Where we heading today boys?" An older man asked. The man looked really mean. He had a big bushy white beard and had his long white hair in a pony tail.

"We are going to oak hill girls home." Michael said and the man furrowed his eyebrows and looked in the rear view mirror at them.

"May I ask why?"

"Visit his sister." The man nodded and started driving.

"How old is your sister?"

"She's about to turn 12." The man nodded. Both Michael and Luke sat in the backseat. They watched out the window and looked at all the scenery.

Michael couldn't believe he was actually in London. He was really about to see his sister. He didn't even care about the fact that him and Luke could get into so much trouble for doing this. He was so excited to just see Macy.

After about 10-15 minutes they arrived at the home. They thanked Kale (their uber driver). It was a really small home and looked it was really local. Only for girls within the area. They grabbed their bags and walked up to the entrance and knocked on the fancy looking door.

A middle aged women opened the door within seconds. She smiled warmly at the boys.

"How boys! What can I do for you?" Michael suddenly got extremely nervous.

"Is Macy Clifford here?"

"I'm afraid that name doesn't sound familiar." Michael pulled up a picture on his phone and showed her. But she still looked confused.

"No boys. I'm sorry. She's not here." She frowned. Michael sighed sadly and Luke grabbed his hand.

"Was she ever here?" She shook her head. Hopefully she is here somewhere in London.

"Alright well thank you." She nodded and smiled warmly before closing the door.


A full three hours later they arrived at the third girls home. The second home was not too far from the first home. They sadly didn't find anything. The lady who answered was extremely rude.

Michael was losing hope big time.

But this was the biggest house they've seen so far out of all them. Well three of them. They pulled open the door and saw a women sitting at a desk.

Michael almost ran to the desk. He was mentally praying that she was here.

"Hello. How can I help you?" She asked not looking away from the computer. Luke was hoping this woman was actually nice. Luke got an attitude with the last one.

"Hi is Macy Clifford here?" The women looked up from the computer and smiled widely.

"Macy? Oh my god I love her. She's so cute." Michaels eyes widened and he got the biggest smile on his face. He finally found her.

"Is she here?" She smiled and nodded and went digging through her files.

Luke and Michael had the biggest grins on their faces. He would have known that they actually would have found her. Michael definitely didn't have a lot of hope with finding her but he did.

"Hmm I can't find her file. I'm gonna call the headmaster." She said and then picked up the phone. Michael got a little nervous. He didn't want anything to ruin this.

"I'm sure it's nothing Mikey. They probably just have so many girls here that they can't keep track." Luke said wrapping his arm around Michael and bringing him close.

Luke's right. This place is huge.. there's so many girls that probably live here it's ridiculous.

"Oh really? Okay. Thank you." The women said and hung up the phone. Both boys stared at her intensively. Just waiting to hear what she had to say.

"So it appears that Macy's biological mother has gotten better and took Macy back."

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