12 | i see it now

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"Just take it, it's not like I'm drugging you for sex. If I wanted to I could've just slid in last night when you finished your performance."

I spit out my drink, almost choking on the liquid. Eren jumps away, avoiding the odds of getting wet. I wipe my bottom lip while coughing repeatedly.

"W-what?" I manage to blurt between coughs.

"Don't you remember singing in front of everyone?"

I couldn't speak, instead I just cough while shaking my head in disbelief. There was no way I'd do something so reckless and stupid as that!

"I have pictures," he says nonchalantly as he takes out his cell phone.

You have got to be kidding me.

Eren sits at the edge of the bed and scrolls through his phone. I couldn't help but noseley look over his shoulder as he did so. The first thing I noticed was his background. I always imagined it to be a picture of some half-naked woman in a car, or a really ripped man on the beach acting all sexy, but no.

It's a picture of us.

The picture wasn't recent and if wasn't taken with the phone. The picture was of a photograph of Eren and I as children. It couldn't be more than twelve years ago, and I can tell this by the quality of the photograph that it was taken by a digital camera—a very popular item when we were children—since cell phones didn't have cameras already built in at the time.

The photograph was of Eren holding a blue ribbon, sitting perfectly still upon a piano bench, I at his side with a bright smile. I can't remember the last time I smiled like that, let alone the last time I remember taking a picture with Eren, especially this one. I have no memory of this scene, or that of Eren playing piano. It was locked away with the rest of my childhood, along with any school memories that I dread to even call upon.

I didn't say anything, I just acted as if I hadn't seen anything at all. I cross my legs and pull the covers over them so it wasn't so awkward to be waiting to see the supposed pictures of me performing. I rest my head on my arm that is popped upon my leg, my head pains still there but less unbearable than before. It feels like Eren was taking his time, which annoys me, making me impatient.

While waiting I noticed that I was still in last night's outfit. I smell awful, like cigarettes and alcohol mixed with a musty scent like month-old gym clothes that haven't been washed. I disgust myself.

Eren eventually startles me by bouncing backwards. He almost tramples over me, but I take a good swing to his head, giving him a small bump that was hidden under his dark locks. He whimpers in pain and I only laugh.

"And you call me a crybaby," I tease before Eren grumpily sits by my side.

He shows me a few pictures of myself with some type of clothing around my face. It made me look tacky and dorky, but after seeing a video of myself singing a familiar song I immediately remember the night. It came to me in a series of photographs and small clips. I feel ashamed of myself now, knowing that I had ruined my body by intoxicating it with vile fluids of alcohol.

"My reputation is ruined," I cry before slamming my head into a pillow.

"What reputation? You barely have friends."

"Shut up! You can barely handle a relationship," I muffle angrily from the pillow.

"What does that have to do with anything? Jesus, Eren, you're terrible with comebacks."

I slam the pillow against his face and he falls back. "I said shut up!"

"Don't get your panties in a twist, calm down," he says in a pained voice as he rubs the side of his head.

[🌸] Admit It | Riren/Ereri AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang