Chapter 1

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Aleena's POV

"Mom, I don't wanna go." I screamed between my cries. " Please mom, let me stay here......" I said, grabbing her hand.

"Aleena, we are just asking you to shift in the other room for a while. Come on, you are overreating." She scolded me, slipping her hand out of my grip. "I don't want someone living in my room, even if it's for a few days ............Let him stay in the other room." I whinned. Giving up, my mom sighed and exited the room.


I got out of my room for the breakfast after reciting my Fajar prayers. My dad was already in the living lounge reading his paper. I went to the kitchen to help my mom with the breakfast generally because I am now free from all the studies. I have to face another problem in my life. To choose a path.

My mom really wants me to be a doctor but I didn't study just to be a doctor or an engineer. There are are many more things you can do in your life. Being a doctor of some sort doesn't mean you have accomplished in helping mankind. We can help others and live happily in many other ways.

"Quit daydreaming, your paratha just got burned.."My mom shook me back into my senses. "Ufff, it's hot..." I quickly grab the parratta and headed towards the living lounge where my dad was sitting.

I switched on the T.V hoping to start my day with some good news. "Aapdekherahiahai Geo news (You are watching geo news )"

I actually hated the news but it was my dad's fav channel so I let him watch it. Some were bad news and some were good. Pakistani national cricket team just won a match. A bank robbery in Karachi. Students celebrating some events. Those were the news I heard every day. They also talked about how a famous singer was coming to Pakistan with his family.

That was a new one. I was so busy with all the college shit that I gave up on my social life. I didn't have a Facebook, a twitter not even a lousy blog. I listened to old style music because my brain cells had not listened to some thing new for years.

Even my little 16 year old cousin Ayesha was better in interacting than me.

So my first goal after collage was to get myself a social life. Ignoring it, I looked at dad who had just turned off the T.V . "Ani( My nickname ), I want you to leave your room for a while......" Dad told me, in a stern voice. "But why ?!?" I got up chewing my omelete inside my half full mouth.

"It's because my friend is coming over to visit from London with his family and we have to make some arrangements....."He explained me the situation . "Let them stay in the guest room....." I screamed but after suddenly realizing that I had raised my voice, lowered my gaze. My dad eyed me angrily because I misbehaved with him. I shouldn't have raised my voice.

"I am not asking for your permission Aleena............I want you out as soon as they come." He informed me making me shiver by his cold voice.

After that he gave me the lecture ' it has being two months that you graduated. Decide about your future and stuff...' it never really felt like two months. I was still searching for a path.

I nod and head back to my room leading the half breakfast behind.


It had been four to five hours since my dad scolded me. I was still not ready to give up my room. You might think that I had an anger control problem just like my dad but that's not it. I am my father's only daughter . He is the reason of me being like that. I am kind of the spoiled child in the house.

I do have two brothers. Harris is the eldest and Ahmed is the youngest. Ahmed and I share the love for art and Harris has an anger management problem like me. Common piece of DNA.

Both are my best friends I could ever have asked for because I don't have to lie in front of them. I can be my crazy old self infront of them.

So escaping from the world of fantasies, I will tell you about the family that's gonna stay with us. Uncle Yassar is one of my dad's friend. He has three Daughters and one son. They are coming to visit Pakistan after long last. Uncle Yasser left Pakistan to marry a Non Muslim lady aboard but both of the families accepted it after a while. Well, most of them....

I hoped the visit is as normal as possible and the boy is senible enough. In Pakistan he has to take care of his surrounding and act according to it.

Maybe there stay wouldn't be as bad as I think.

A/N I just edited this shit and made it readable. I promise you, the story isn't as crappy as the first chapter. Just read ahead...Plzz

Letting go (Zayn Malik / Islamic Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें