05 "so, what's my prize for being your knight in shining denim?"

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Background Info: You are just walking, trying to find a safe place to rest when you hear yelling...

Fudge. The sun was shingling right through the trees and there was no breeze. If the temperature raised anymore, you would melt. You sigh, wiping the back of your hand on your forehead. You go to take another step when you hear the groans of walkers. You froze for a split second until you hear a grunt. A human grunt.
Your e/c eyes widen and you rush forward. Your advanced mind already calculating different ways on how to save this person. Your fingers lightly tap against your gun as you cautiously make your way towards a struggling boy in a sheriff hat trying to kill five walkers by himself. You cock your eyebrow, knowing that it's stupid to go against so many walkers alone, especially if you only have a knife.
Your quick hands and sure fingers quickly take a precise aim at the head of a walker about to take a chunk of the cute blue eye boy. BLAM! Blood gushed onto the boy and floor, as he quickly spun to see the walker drop dead, a bullet sized hole in it's forehead. BLAM! Another one down. "Focus would you?" You snap, two more to go. Your knife does quick work against one of the walkers and your about to head towards the second one when; BLAM! A bullet, scraped against your cheek, leaving a stinging trail of blood behind as it entered the walker's brain.
"The hell do you think your doing idiot? You could have killed me!" The bullet left a three inch long line right across your cheek, blood still trickling down it. "You got in my way." Was his only reply. "Seriously? I just save your sorry ass and all you have to say for it is 'you got in my way'? Wow, you really know how to charm the ladies don't you?"
He gave you a weird look. "That's called sarcasm hottie, learn it sometime." You flick his hat gently. He glares at you and fixes it. "I'm Y/n. What's yours?" You ask, trying to make conversation. "Carl." He mumbles. "So, what's my prize for being your knight in shining denim?"

C.R and C.G imaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon