02: "you're beautiful...with one eye or two.."

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Background info: you get shot in the eye instead of Carl and feel extremely insecure about it. You and Carl are already dating.
Warnings: none

Just keep walking...keep your head down...just keep walking...keep your-"Hey! Y/n!" On instinct, your head raises and your eye instantly finds the man who called your name. "Glenn..." you narrowed your eye when you noticed his look soften and his eyes linger on the bandage wrapped around your head.
You sigh and lower your gaze, keeping your head down like you should have. "What is it Glenn?" You took no notice of the harshness in your voice. You were sick of all of sympathetic looks you received. Everyone hounded you, asking if you needed anything, if you needed help with anything. You thought that they needed to lay off, and quit treating you like you were a baby.
"Carl's been looking for you...he's really worried. Maybe you should go and talk to him." You close your eye and cringe when your shot out eye stings due to the movement. But, Glenn was right, you had been avoiding Carl, and hadn't spoke to him in three months...granted you were unconscious for those three months but it's been two weeks since you first opened your eye and hadn't talked to him...or anyone in that matter.
You nod but don't actually plan on it. You start walking off, hands curled into fists at your side. You rush into your assigned house, your eye stinging with tears. Whimpers escape your mouth, completely unaware of the boy, in the sheriff hat, that could hear them, watching you from his house across the street. You rush into your house and slam the door behind you.
You don't know what started the waterworks, but at the moment, you didn't care. All you wanted to do was curl up and cry out your feelings. No one would treat you like the badass you really were anymore. To them, you were a child who can't take care of herself. And you hated that. You rush up the stairs and into the bathroom. The tears are streaming now. Your shaking fingers unwrap the padding around your head and the gauze pad.
You lip quivered once you caught the ugly wound where your eye used to be. You squeezed your eye shut as more tears slid down your face and more whimpers escaped your bitten lips. Your fingers held on to the bathroom counter tightly as you bowed your head, not wanting to look at your hideous wound anymore.
"Y/n...?" You freeze, hearing the one voice that you didn't want to hear right now. "What?" You tried to make your voice strong, tried to make it sound like you usually do, but flinched when you hear your voice crack. "Is everything...okay?" Your knees shook, hearing his deep voice for the first time in months. Had his voice always been that deep? You couldn't remember.
"Everything's fine Carl. Nothing's wrong." Your voice cracked again, when you said wrong. Your head was tilted down so you made sure that he couldn't see that hideous looking thing on your face. "Y/n..." you feel his arms wrap around your waist and jump slightly. "Y/n...it's about your eye...isn't it?" You not answering his question, answered his question.
     You hear him sigh before a gentle kiss is pressed to your shoulder. The tears slow down but don't stop. "It's hideous...Judith can't even look at me without crying..." You stutter. "Hey..." Carl uses his hand to lift up your chin and looks you right in the eye, but unlike everyone else, his gaze doesn't soften or look sympathetic.
He looks at you with...love. It was the same look he gave you when he first laid eyes on you. It was the same look he gave you during that night in your house during your first time. He loved you. "Y/n...you're beautiful with one eye or two..."

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