07 "Sometimes i wonder how i could ever love someone like you."

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Background Info: thanks to my best friend Hailey Barlow, I love that woman so much, I have another idea. The reader and Carl get into a huge fight that doesn't end well...

It was normal for couples to fight, right? But fighting all the time? Is that normal? It seems like any little thing, any little word could set you two off. Right now was one of those times. The fighting ad started again and the group was listening quietly, ready to intervene if things got out of hand.
"For the last time Carl, I am not accusing you of anything!" "Then why don't you like Enid huh? She's my friend!" "I understand that but I don't like the way she looks at you!" "She looks at me the way friends look at each other!" A loud, angry scream escaped your lips.
"God your so oblivious Grimes!" The entire room seemed to drop a few degrees. You never called Carl by his last name unless you were extremely pissed at him, or needed him in your bed at night. And right now, Carl knew you weren't turned on. His entire form was shaking. Why couldn't you see that Enid was just a friend?
"Every since you kissed her she's been all over you!" Carl groaned. "Are you still on that? I told you it didn't mean anything!" "But does she know that!? Did you tell her that it didn't mean anything!?" At this, Carl went silent. You exhale sharply and glare up at Carl.
"Sometimes I wonder how I could have ended up with an idiot like you." Your voice was quiet, letting everyone in the room know that the worst was over, or so they thought. Everyone knew and was used to your bluntness. Everyone was used to being called an idiot or something worse by you so it didn't bother them.
It never really bothered Carl either, until now. He was beyond pissed. Thoughts ran around his head making him dizzy.
He didn't know why he said it, but he did. And it crushed you." "Yeah? Well, I don't know how I could ever love someone like you. I can't stand you." Everyone was silent. Your eyes were wide after hearing his sentence, tears blurred your vision. Carl's gaze softened when he saw the wetness gather around your eyes. You never cried. "Carl, that was too far-"
"No." your voice was thick, it showed that you were trying to hold back tears, but ultimately you failed as tear after tear ran down your cheeks.
"It's...f-fine Rick. If that's how he really feels then...so be it. I hope your happy with her. I hope you can stand her better than you can stand me." Carl was stunned to silence. You shook your head in disbelief and knocked your shoulder against his as you made your way to the front door. Carl's eyes following.
You opened the door and slammed it shut.

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