04 "I know what he does to you..." (His POV)

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Background Info: Carl knows that Ron is abusing you
Warnings: abuse

It wasn't hard for him to figure out. You were quiet. Too quiet. He saw it when Ron introduced you to him. He saw how his fingers dig into your shoulder a little bit too hard when he mentioned that you were his girlfriend. "Carl, meet Y/N, my girlfriend." He could see the way you flinched slightly at the contact but gave a slight smile and small wave in his direction.
"N-Nice to meet you..." He saw how Ron gave you a glare and how you quickly diverted your gaze to his bed sheets and how Enid flickered her gaze to you in what looked like concern before it quickly faded into an emotionless expression. He could hear Ron yelling at you from his bedroom window and the harsh slap of skin being hit.
"WHAT DID I TELL YOU!? NOW IM SURE HE SUSPECTS SOMETHING'S WRONG!" SLAP!! He flinched at the noise. At first, he didn't think that Ron was the abusive type, he couldn't believe it. At least not until Enid and Mikey admitted it. "Yeah. It's true." "Mikey!" "What? He deserves to know Enid. Maybe he could help stop it."
Enid just sighed and shook her head. "Who knows what he'll do once he finds out Carl knows. He might blame it on her and beat her even more than he already does." She hugged herself, looking at the ground in concern.
He saw the bruises. The ones you tried to hide behind expired makeup, yep, he saw those too. He saw how you would flinch when he tried to hug you, his arms reaching out caused your brain to disconnect with your body and your body was left to act on its own even though you told yourself, Don't flinch...don't let him know...Ron will get angry...but you flinched anyway.
Your arms raised to cover your face before you felt his arms carefully wrap around you, and him pull you into his chest. "I know what he does to you..." "W-What?" Carl sighed. "Come on Y/N, I'm not stupid. He hits you...doesn't he?" He watched as you chewed your lip, having an internal battle with yourself.
Finally, you sighed. "He just...he just gets so...angry..." tears bit at your eyes. Carl's eyes widened at your vulnerability. He had never seen you cry before. You always acted like everything was okay and you were fine and happy with Ron. But the tears scaled down your cheeks and he wiped them away and held you close.
He couldn't help liking the feeling of you in his arms, and his mind wondered what it would be like if you were with him instead. You would be happy. Smiling all the time. You would probably be louder than you were now, and not afraid. You would...could be happy with Carl, if only Ron would let you go.
"Y/N!" Ron's loud voice caused you to flinch and hug yourself deeper into Carl's chest. "Please..." you whispered, so quietly it took Carl a minute to get you said something. "Please...d-don't let h-him get me.." You were trembling in his arms, your breathing quickened and you avoided any eye contact by keeping your eyes on the buttons of his shirt.
"Not again...not ever.." he promised. He tightened his grip on your shoulders slightly before glaring up at Ron who already had his glare set on you. What were you doing in the arms of another man? "Your going to leave her alone Ron. I know what you do to her, and it's not okay." Ron kept his glare on you.
"So? She's my girlfriend Carl. Get your hands off of her." "No. Like I said earlier Ron, you're going to stay away from her." Carl stated through clenched teeth.
Ron clenched his jaw, glaring even more at you. "You told him?" Ron's fists were shaking in anger. You, however, were shaking even more, a small whimper escaping your mouth. "I-I'm-" "Don't apologize to him Y/n, he doesn't deserve it. Come on Y/n, lets go, you're staying at my place for now on."

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