03 Hurt(part one)

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Background info: the reader gets shot and gets saved by a certain sheriff boy

This was it. You were finished. This would be your last moments on earth as a human. You choked slightly on your blood, looking up at the pale blue sky. Your breath didn't come and go easily, you struggled just to get a breath in. You coughed, causing blood to spurt from your mouth and some from the bullet wound in you abdomen.
You could faintly hear the moans and groans of the walkers. This was it. You kept your gaze on the blurry sky, not wanting the last thing you see the rotting skin and gnarly teeth of the walker ripping into you. You could hear him getting closer to you. This was it. You close your eyes waiting for death to welcome you with open arms.
Bang. The sound of a gun going off, close by, caused you to open your eyes. You were too weak to jump in freight and too weak to drag yourself into the bushes to hide yourself. You whimpered slightly as you slowly and weakly turned your head, to see a blurry shape with a brown hat making its way towards you.
"Your going to be okay."
Your vision faded into black just as he blob made it to your side.

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