Chapter Nine

Depuis le début

"Cara!" The shouting of my name snapped me back to reality. Tiberius was only inches away from my face, his once cold features now transforming into worry. "Are you alive in there-"

"Hybrids aren't to blame for everything!" I snarled, "This is why so many Alpha's get away with crap! Everyone would much rather blame a hybrid, or a rogue, then admit to themselves that their own is to blame!"

"Cara-" he started but his words were cut short by another.

"I have a message for you doll face!" The smile of Lucas's face as he stepped into the room suddenly made my stomach roll. His smiles always meant bad news.

"Can't you see we are busy!?" The growl from Tiberius's lips caused goosebumps to raise across my back.

"If only I cared." Ignoring the anger steaming off Tiberius's rippling skin, Lucas skipped over to my desk and placed an envelope onto my desk. Holding the letter together, a black wax seal with a sickening familiar symbols spoke to me in a silent whisper.

"Everyone out." My words were a mere whisper, but from the look both Tiberius and Lucas shared as they focused their attention on me, I knew they had heard me.


Of course Tiberius had been the one to talk. He just couldn't listen. Stupid male Alpha's! "I said out."


"Mate or not Tiberius, you are still on my territory! I am still the Alpha in charge, therefore my orders are to be followed." Tiberius looked like he wanted to say something but luckily decided against it. With a huff of hot air leaving his lungs, he turned on his heel and stormed out. Lucas had been smart and left in the middle of his little show.

Cursing at my hands for shaking, I tore the envelope to pieces. I expected hell, but there were only four words on the paper inside.

A change is coming, Cara.

The single letter caused a sickness to awaken in my stomach. He knew what was going on. Of course he did, I shouldn't be surprised.


"You're land is intruder free." Eloise yawned as she returned from her patrol.

"Thanks again for all the help."

"Any time. So now can we talk?"

"Come on," I pleaded as she skipped over to my bed, "I don't want to!"

"We have to! I have to know what is going on between you two! First you threaten to reject him, then he threatens you, and then he kisses you, and then you two locks yourselves up for a good couple of hours, and then he suddenly storms off like a child who was told no! The relationship you two have is like a roller coaster and it's confusing the hell out of me!" By the time her little questioning was over, she was basically on top of me. Her eyes had turned into the size of saucers as she tried to peer into my soul and get all the answers to my life.

"He stormed off because I did basically tell him no."

"What was he trying to do? Sex?"

"No! I just needed him out of my office so I could read something!"

"Really?" She deadpanned, "You kicked him out so that you could read something..." she paused for a dramatic effect, "Why?"

"Because it was private and something that he didn't need to stick his nose in! Am I not allowed a little privacy in my damn life!?"

"He's your mate Cara."

"You're right," I agreed, "He is my mate."


"But I am an Alpha. Even as a female, I still have the instinct to rule and protect my pack. These wolves around me, they are my family Eloise. They are my hands and feet, my eyes and my ears; they are apart of who I am, and I'm not letting them go. The pack comes first; it was my fathers philosophy. He would put them before anything, even my own mother. What is an Alpha without a pack? Sure I have a mate, but it's the wolves roaming my territory that have had my back since I was born. If I start letting another Alpha snoop around my business, what does that show the pack? I have to show them that even as his mate, I'm still going to put them first and be their Alpha.

"I know that you aren't in the same position as me Eloise. You like letting Eric run the pack. You like having little to no responsibility, but I'm not like that. Over half these wolves are counting on me to do something about my brother. You really think everyone likes going around killing people - innocent people - for no reason what so ever? They don't. They want everything to go back to normal, but Titan would kill them if that tried anything. I can't leave them to this kind of life. They deserve so much more.

"Tiberius needs to understand that I am just as much of an Alpha as he is. I love him, I really do, but my people are just that, my people. I have to put them first, or else I'm just a bad as my brother."

"Wow," Eloise sighed, "That was deep."

"You're not even taking my seriously, are you?" I growled.

"I am. I get how you feel Cara...but was it really that serious?"

"Yes it was. There are some things that it's best to keep hidden. Everyone has dark secrets Eli, and sometimes its best to keep them to yourself."

"And is your secret that deep and twisted?"

"That deepest," I sighed as red eyes started dancing in the back of my mind, "So deep that I wish every day that I had nothing to do with it."

"So...what is it exactly?"

"Not happening!"

"Come on! I'm your best friend! Your other half! I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours? That's fair enough..." Eloise was practically begging for me to spill. She slid down to the ground on her knees and begged with her hands. The woman was pretty convincing, but begging didn't work on me.

"Nope. This is the one secret I'm keeping to myself. At least until this whole murder issue is solved."

"You're so cruel!"

"Why...because I won't tell you?"


"You're crazy Eli! Don't you have someone else to bug?"

"Nope! You get my full attention!" She grinned.

"I can get you out of here easily..."

"Try me..."

"Lucas is down in my office now, if I linked him it would only take-"

"Oh look! I forgot about my laundry...bye!" Eloise ran from my room like a mad woman. Challenge me again woman! I know all your weaknesses!

Smiling to myself I peeled my jeans from my legs and threw my bra to the ground. The sun was just beginning to set, a dash a pink and orange filling the sky as our light slowly seeped away. Sunsets always seemed so calm. Everything just looked beautiful as the sky ignited with color.

"If only every day was as peaceful as this moment..."

A/N: another chapter done. And I got nothing else to say. Bye!

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