Chapter 21-FINAL CHAPTER!!!

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5 years later..

"Blake hurry the hell up we're going to miss the plane" I yell over the two screaming kids in my arm. "Momma when do I get to see uncle Ash?" Ben says tugging on my arm 

"Baby in a little bit, go tell daddy to hurry up" I tell him while sticking a pacifier in the twins mouth. We're on our way to go visit everyone back in Colorado, i've been out of school for almost 2 years now, and I work well I own a business. Blake is working as the boss at a bunnies too and we couldn't be any happier with Ben who is now 6, and the twins Ava and Kaden. Me and Blake got married about two years ago.

 He proposed to me in front of my parents grave so they could be there with me when it happened. The twins were born about a year after that so they'll be turning 1 soon.

 "Okay babe let's go" Blake says putting bags into the car, I hand him Ava and put Kaden in his carseat and lock the door to the house.

 "Okay everyone ready?" I ask while getting in the car 

"Yes" Ben says getting happy, he hasn't seen his aunt's and uncle's in about a year. Blake pulls out onto the street and we reach the airport before we know it. 

When we get there I get out Kaden and Blake gets Ava, but hands me her so he can grab all the bags.

 "Babe I can get some of them" I say walking over to him. "Nah babe you've got the kids" he says looking back at me. Kaden tries to wiggle out of my hands to get down but I manage to keep him in my arms 

"No baby you can't get down in here" I say adjusting him on my hip

 "Momma" Kaden cries out 

"Baby no" I say looking over to him. He continues to fight but stops once he realizes i'm not letting him down.

 "Ben baby either grab mine or daddy's hand" I say before we walk into the airport. He runs up to Blake and grabs his empty hand and just starts chatting with him. We board the plane first thing and just relax until the twins start throwing a fit.

 "Babe can you hand me a bottle?" I ask cleaning off spit from Kaden's face. Blake reaches into the diaper bag and pulls out two bottles for Ava and Kaden and hands me one of them. I stick it in Kaden's mouth and he calms down and lays his head back against me. After he finishes I sit him beside me and give him some toys to play with 

"Momma how much longer?" Ben asks 

"Baby we still have awhile, put you on some tv and watch it. We'll be there before you know it." I say reaching over Kaden to rub my fingers through Ben's hair. He looks up at me and smiles then starts some show on his tablet and watches it quietly

 "Babe what time is it?" I ask looking over to Blake 

"It's 1 o'clock" he says letting Ava play with his phone. I lay my head back against my seat and close my eyes until I feel someone crawl into my lap. I look down and see Kaden looking up at me with a smile on his face. 

"What is it??" I ask smiling back at him "mamama" he manages to say while handing me a toy 

"Well thanks baby" I say kissing his forehead, he stands on my lap and reaches up so that he can kiss me. Then sits back down in my lap and lays his head on my chest. 

"I think it's nap time" I say looking over to Blake who is asleep with Ava on his chest. I smile and grab Kaden's passy and stick it in his mouth then turn him around so he's facing my chest and I start rocking him. He falls asleep not to long after.

The plane lands within an hour and I carry a seeping Kaden in one arm and a wide awake Ava in the other arm. "Ben honey help your dad" I say grabbing the tablet from his hands. He walks up to Blake and grabs a bag and then grabs his hand "Hey Amarrrrraaaa" I hear behind me and I automatically know it's Autumn I jump around not remembering that Kaden's asleep and jump towards her. 

She wraps her arms around us the best she can and squeezes us while me and her scream "Oh my god I missed you sooo much!!!" Autumn says with tears in her eyes

 "I missed you too" I say trying not to cry.

 "Give me my niece" she says taking Ava out of my arms. She kisses Kaden while grabbing Ava but he's too busy crying to realize it. I place him on the ground so I can get him his cup out of his bag, but he starts pitching a big fit. So I pick him back up and manage to dig his cup out and give it to him. 

Autumn runs over and hugs Blake and squeezes the life out of Ben

 "Oh my goodness look at you I remember when you were as little as Ava and Kaden is" She says to Ben who won't let her go. He just laughs and rolls his eyes

 "So Autumn where's everyone else?" I ask as we walk to the car

 "Well Jake's at home with Jewell and the twins because Ash and Bell had to work" Autumn says buckling Ava into her carseat, I put Kaden in his then make sure Ben is buckled in. "Babe you can sit up front" Blake says getting in between the twins

 "Okay" I say getting into the passenger seat "Babe is Aiden, Jacob, Zach, and Becca coming?" I ask Blake

 "Well Zach and Jacob said they were going to try and catch the next flight but weren't sure if they could make it, and Becca and Aiden is driving down right now" Blake says giving Kaden his toy he dropped.

 The rest of the ride we just chat about how we've been doing this past year, before we know it we're at my Autumn's house. I grab Kaden while Autumn grabs Ava and Blake helps Ben out of the car I follow Autumn into the house and Jake and kids running toward me

 "Amara" Jake says I place Kaden on the ground before he smooches him and hug Jake hard "Oh my gosh i've missed you" he say squeezing me "I miss you too Jakey" I say as I hear "Aunt mara" and I feel both the twins wrap around my legs while Jewell tries to hold herself up.

 I pull away from Jake and pick up Jewell first and place kisses all over her face making her laugh like crazy. Jewell is about the same age as my twins only a little older. 

While Ash's and Bell's twins are around 4 now. After I get done with her I hand her to Blake and pick up Jackson and Grace they both wrap their little arms around my neck and squeezes me "I've missed you little munchkins" I say kissing each of their cheeks "We missed you too Aunt mara" Grace says I smile at her and place them on the ground to play

 "Where're uncle Ash?" Ben asks coming beside me" 

"Uncle Ash is at work right now hunny" I say 

"When's he gonna here?"

 "I don't know go ask your aunt" I say grabbing Kaden from the kitchen and taking him to play with the toys and sit o the couch with everyone else.

 "Autumn?" I hear and recognize the voice right away I jump off the couch and run to Bell 

"Amara!!!" Bell says running into my arms I squeeze her tight and don't let go until I hear another voice that i've been longing to hear "Ash" I say jumping into his arms he wraps his arms around my waist and hugs me tight

 "Uncle Ash" Ben says pushing me away from Ashton

 "Momma" Jackson and Grace say running over to her she picks them both up and starts kissing them and making them laugh. 

After a few minutes she hands them to Ash then goes and gets Kaden and Ava and hugs them tight and we all sit on the couch "So there's something i've been meaning to tell you guys" Bell says putting her left hand over her belly "You're pregnant?" Autumn says

 "You and Ash are engaged?" I say looking at her finger 

"Yep" Bell says to both of us

 "Ahhhh" me and Autumn scream hugging her "congratulations" I say then I get up and hug Ash. "I'm gonna be an aunt again" I say making everyone laugh. Later on Aiden,Becca,Zach, and Jacob showed up after they greeted everyone we decide to get into the pool and cool off. It feels good to be back with the people I love with my whole life I don't know where i'd be now without them.


Welp that's the end, i'd like to thank everyone who has given my book a try and voted/commented on it. I love you all!!!!

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