Chapter 3-Meeting Ashton and Jake

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   The next morning I wake up to Ben screaming I walk to his room and pick him up then go into the kitchen to feed him. My mom and dad are still in bed. I put him in his playpin then go and get some food. I sit on the couch to watch some tv. Blake walks in not to long after he walks into the kitchen to make himself some food then sits down beside me.

"Where have you been all morning?" I ask.

"With Isabella."

"Again dang it's getting pretty serious huh?"

"No we're just friends."

'Sure' I mumble under my breath.

"What was that?" Blake asks.

"Nothing" I say.

"You better tell me before I tickle it out of you." "I didn't say anything" I lie. "Okay that's it." he says coming over to me he starts tickling me "St-stop." I say in between fits of laughter he stops and looks at me like he's going to kiss me. We hear someone clear their throat. Blake jumps off me and we look to find my dad. My face turns red as does Blake's my dad laughs at us then goes into the kitchen to make him and mom some food.

I feel my phone vibrate I pull it out to find I have a text from Autumn. "Hey you want to go to the mall today?"

"Yeah sure what time?"

"How about an hour?"

"Sounds good see you then." I go to my moms room. "Hey mom can I go to the mall with my friend Autumn?"

"Yeah what time are you leaving?"

"In about an hour."

"Okay is Blake going with you?"

"I dont know I'll ask."I walk back downstairs and see Blake in the same spot he was in.

"Hey Blake you wanna go to the mall with me and Autumn?"

"Sure babe what time?"

"About an hour."  "Okay." I walk back up stairs and put on a tee-shirt, beanie, some skinny jeans and some converses. Then I walk down stairs to find Ben asleep on Blake. When he sees me he carefully gets up and carries him to his crib. I quickly tell my parents bye then me and Blake walk out the door.

When we get to the mall we find Autumn and Isabella sitting on the bench when you first walk in. When they see us they stand up and meet us halfway. Blake and Isabella hug then turn to us "We'll see y'all later." Blake says taking Isabella's hand in his.

"I hope you were okay with me bringing her along she wanted to see Blake." Autumn says watching then walk away.

"How did she even know Blake was coming?"

"He texted her and asked if she was coming."

"Oh okay it's no problem. Where do you want to go first?" I ask trying to cover up my lie.

"How about Hot Topic?"

"Definitely." I say. We walk to Hot Topic and buy some shirts and Supernatural stuff. Then we go to a couple of other stores. After we're all shopped out we go to the food court to get some food.

When we get there we both go to Chick-Fil-a. We ear then go to Dairy Queen to get some dessert. When we get there there is two really hot guys. I make eye contact with one of them before quickly looking away.

We both order what we want then sit back down. "Did you see those guys?" Autumn asks me.

"Yeah they're really cute." After we are done we go to another store I don't pay attention to what I'm doing and trip over a hanger I almost fall but a pair of arms catch me. "Woah there is a hanger there." I hear a voice say. My face instanly turns as red as it possibly can.

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