Chapter 2-Meeting Autumn

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I wake up the next morning to my alarm clock blasting through my room.I hop in the shower then put on a tee-shirt and some jeans.

I go down stairs to see my mom and dad in the kitchen making breakfast and Blake and Ben in ths living room playing. I walk into the kitchen and hug my mom and dad.

Blake walks in with Ben and he reaches for me I grab him happily. He hugs my neck and kisses my cheek leaving a lot of slobber. I place him in his chair while my mom places food in front of him. We all sit down at the table and eat my mom feeding Ben.

After breakfast we leave for school. "Well you were up early this morning. I went to wake you up but you were in the shower."

"Yeah I wanted to eat breakfast with my dad."

When we arrived at school we had to go to the gym for that stupid assembly. Me and Blake walk in and find Noah and Katie making out we sit down beside them and make sex noises they pull away and look at us then go right back to making out. Me and Blake just talk about nonsense for the rest of the assembly.

When we go back to class me and Blake take our usual seats and continue talking until the teacher clears his throat getting all our attention. We all look to find a new girl I assume.

"Class this is Autumn she is new. You can just find an empty seat." Autumn sits at the table next to mine.

"Hey I'm Amara."

" I'm Autumn as you know. I like your name."

"Thanks I got it for my birthday" I say smiling Blake and Autumn just bust out laughing.

Class just flew by after 3rd period me and Autumn walk to lunch together. Blake runs up to us putting his hand on his shoulder

"I never got to introduce myself I'm Blake."

"Let me guess the school player?"

"You got it babe."

I roll my eyes as I push Blake away from us he just walks up to some chick using his lame ass pickup lines. Me and Autumn walk into the lunch room and grab a plate sitting down at our table.

"So how long have you and Blake known each other?" Autumn asks sticking a fry in her mouth.

"My whole life. His parents went to college with my parents and we're pretty much neighbors."

"Oh cool. I had a guy bestfriend back at South Carolina where I use to live. We were bestfriends for 10 years."

"I bet it sucked leaving him I know I couldn't Imagine living without Blake."

"Yeah i miss him like crazy. I haven't seen him in 3 years."

"Where did you live before you came here?"

"Nebraska, New York,and California."

"Oh wow, I bet it sucks moving all the time."

"Well you get use to it after awhile."

Blake walks over with a huge smile on his face he opens his mouth to talk but I say. "No one gives a fuck about your sex life babe."

"Well okay then"He says stealing my fries.

"Hey those are mine get your own bitch."


"Hey Supernatural"

"YES!!!! You're my new bestfriend."

"Hey what about me?"

"Get lost" Blake stands up.

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