Chapter 17-Prom

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A few weeks later 

It's been about a week since we went dress shopping and today's the day of prom I get woke up by Autumn and Bell coming into my room and yelling at "What do you want? It's Saturday I get to sleep in" "Actually you don't Ben is awake and grouchy he cries whenever someone holds him." Bell says 

"Ugh fine" I say getting out of bed

 "What time is it?" I ask standing up 

"10 o'clock"


"Yes really you've been sleeping forever" 

"10 o'clocks not that late" I say rolling my eyes and walk down the stairs to find the guys all trying to cheer Ben up. 

Jake is jumping up and down while making faces, Ashton is tickling him and talking to him, and Blake's done gave up he's just sitting on the back of the couch holding Ben so he doesn't fall. I laugh and everyone's eyes snap over to me

 "Thank god, this baby won't shut up" Jake says picking him up and bringing him to me 

"What did yall do to him?" I ask once I get him

 "We didn't do anything he ate breakfast, played then started crying and wouldn't stop" I rub my hand on his head and he looks up to me with tears still in his eyes I smile at him and wipe the tears away "It's okay baby" I say as he lays his head on my shoulder I go back upstairs and lay in bed with him until he falls asleep.

 When I go back downstairs everyone is gone I walk out back to find everyone by the pool Blake sees me first and smiles at me he walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waist pulling me close to him, he rests his head on my shoulder for a minute before pulling back "What's wrong?" I ask looking into his eyes, they had bags under them and it looks like he hadn't slept in days "I'm just tired I didn't get much sleep last night" I place my hand on his cheek and pull him towards me and kiss him I pull back he smiles at me. 

"Amara my baby" Jake says picking my up away from Blake "Jake I swear if you throw me into the pool i'm going to kill you"

 "Don't worry baby i'm not" he says putting me down I roll my eyes and walk over and sit beside Autumn while Blake goes inside for something "What's wrong with Blake?"

 "I don't know, he hasn't been sleeping for some reason"

 "Well he needs his sleep for tonight, why don't you go lay in bed with him for awhile i'll round up all these hooligans and get out of here and text you later for our hair appointment, sound good?" "Yeah sounds perfect" I say walking back inside to find Blake leaning against the counter drinking milk. "Come on" I say dragging him up the stairs to my bed, I move Ben to his crib and place my hand on his belly until he falls back asleep the crawl in bed with Blake who is half asleep. I lay my head on his chest and put my hand through his hair until he falls asleep which isn't long after I just lay in bed and keep running my hand through his hair until Ben wakes up. I jump out of bed and take him out of the room before Blake wakes up and take him downstairs and feed him then we watch tv and play, soon enough i'm getting a text from Autumn saying she'll be here in 30 minutes I sneak into my room and grab some clothes and go back downstairs careful not to wake Blake up and get ready in the downstairs bathroom, once i'm ready I grab Ben and his stuff then head over to Blake's house to drop Ben off "Hey" I say walk through the door and being greeted by Blake's mom sitting on the couch "Hey sweetie, you off to your appointment?"

 "Yep and Blake's still passed out, so I was wondering if you were still up for watching Ben?" I say hopping she was "Of course sweetie." She says standing up and walking over to us I hear a knock on the door knowing it was Autumn "Come in" Blake's mom yelled and hugged Autumn once she did "You ready?" she asked looking over to me "Yep" I say handing Ben to her "He may be a little grouchy today so he'll probably fuss a little bye baby" I say kissing his head and thanking Blake's mom again. I walk outside and get into Autumn's car "How did you know I was over here?"

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